- 2020年线上儿童零食行业趋势洞察今年中国休闲零食的市场规模将突破6000亿,而儿童零食未来市场容量也在千亿规模。事实上,天猫早已为儿童零食的未来爆发铺好赛道。5月21日-5月23日,天猫开展了首个儿童美食品类日,同时为618做好人群蓄水。阿里妈妈作为商业数字营销平台,也为品牌商家提供数据技术支撑的营销策略和产品力支持。2020年发布时间:2020-08-07
- 零食连锁行业:量贩零食店兴起,新零食自由2022年发布时间:2023-03-29
- 2017OTT应用排行榜本文通过OTT原生视频类应用覆盖TOP 10、2017OTT应用年度TOP 20、OTT原生视频类应用活跃TOP 10、OTT聚合视频类应用覆盖TOP 10、OTT聚合视频类应用活跃TOP 10、OTT游戏类应用覆盖TOP 10、OTT游戏类应用活跃TOP 10,对OTT应用排行榜进行了分析。2017年发布时间:2020-06-01
- 休闲零食行业深度研究:休闲零食空间大,百舸千帆看谁牛休闲零食行业空间大,龙头市占率有望提升。国内休闲零食仍处于渠道竞争阶段,把握渠道红利的能力是核心竞争力。2019年发布时间:2020-05-01
- 2020中国新鲜零食白皮书本文对其背景目的和方法进行了研究,分析了休闲零食行业的现状与消费者变化,解析了休闲零食企业怎么迎合这种变化,判断了未来行业趋势。2020年发布时间:2020-06-08
- 2021中国TOP40银行价值创造排行榜2016~2020年, 我们连续5年发布了《中国TOP40银行价值创造排行榜》,该系列报告持续引起国内众多金融机构的广泛关注。我们十分感谢读者一直以来的支持,同时我们也收到很多值得探讨的宝贵建议。2021年发布时间:2022-01-20
- 2019休闲零食行业研究报告休闲零食行业正在向风味化、营养健康化、享受化甚至功能化的方向发展,为了解决消费者的选择困难,帮助消费者选择安全营养的优质产品,町芒研究院对休闲食品进行了严格评测,目前休闲零食对消费者的健康存在不同程度的安全隐患:1、儿童常吃的零食所含添加剂数量多;2、话梅、肉类零食钠含量普遍偏高,高钠零食占比高达95%。2019年发布时间:2021-08-30
- 2019儿童零食行业研究报告目前我国休闲零食市场正处于快速发展的早期成熟阶段,市场容量巨大,2019 年休闲零食市场规模高达5713亿,且随着生活水平的提高,年增长率维持在6.0%以上,到2020年零食市场规模有望突破6000亿元,儿童已成为休闲零食和饮料的重度消费群体,家长平均每个月为儿童购买休闲零食的金额达185元。2018-2019年发布时间:2021-08-30
- 2020年零食现状报告2020年零食现状报告 As the global leader in snacking. we are COtinEaLiy PnackDur insights quide 2o growth strategy. inform our purpose to em powser people to snack right, and formthe basis for the vast knowledge estate that we've amassed on the important and ever-changing role snacking plays in our every cay lives. And in a year like 2020, our instinct to leam from people and to put our consumer at the heart of everything we do, has prowen moreimportant than ever.Our second an nualState of Snacking Report underlines whatwe have long known to be true. even in theface of worldlwaide uncertainty with COVIDsnaciking is.a grongoomPoME.conunection and community.while also prowviding the moments of respite, reward and relief asconsumers look to balance nutrition andermotional well-being. Our prowen expertise in the understandingof global trends and consumer behavior is Polllimg firom 12 markets around the world togenerate a rich. fascinating and entertaining picture of how we snack today.The insightsgleaned from thousands of consumers on ceagain confirm our strategy is the right oneas we continue to take a bite from the $1.2 trillion total snack industry and fulfil ourmission to lead the future of snacking,with the right snacke, for the rightmoment, made theright way. As the global snacking category continuesto grow.and we all adjust to our new normal, it's not surprising that almost g in 1oadults worldiwide say they are snacking more or the same during the pandemic than they were before. Digging deeper. Miller nnials and those who are working fromhome right now are especially likely to say they preler snacks over meals. It pleases meto know that more than half of global adultssay snacking has been alifeline for themduring the pandemic, especially parents who are working from home, and for whomsnacks have providled welcome nutrition for themselves and treats for their children.Taking time out for a snack. from a familiar and much-loved brand. can prove to be anantidote to our busy lives and an avenue for connection with others during these unpredictable times. At Mondelez International. we have long known that emotional well-being plays an important role in why we snack, along side health and nutrition. We're committed to helping people around the world be more mindful in the way they enjoy our products.which range from wholesome bites to indulgent treats. Hearing our consumers continue to highlight the importance of snacks that enable them to lead heal thier lifestyles or that provide a boost or comfort.reinforces to me that snacking will continueto thrive as part of our new normal, findlingits place alongside a renewed focus on health and an ever-more holistic view ofwell-being. 【更多详情,请下载:2020年零食现状报告】2020年发布时间:2021-10-27
- 2019休闲零食行业深度解读休闲零食产品生命周期短,价格敏感度高,决定行业KSF聚焦在创新能力、供应链以及营销上。当前行业内同质化严重,即使头部休闲零食企业,在研发方面投入比例也不高;行业头部企业良品铺子2017、2016、2015年的研发收入占营业收入的比重分别仅为0.77%、1.38%和0.17%。通过加强对供应链的管理,提升自己在上游、中游的话语权从而降低成本,在竞争中取得一定比较优势;供应链管理能力的提升也意味着运营效率的提高,可为下游消费者提供更贴心的服务,从而提高销售规模。2019年发布时间:2019-07-02
- 休闲零食行业更新:休闲零食年货节消费火爆,打响开门电商年货节开启,各家积极备战,满减、打折、抽奖活动方式多样,直播、广告、明星代言营销手段丰富,销售火爆,为 2020 打响开门红。2019-2020年发布时间:2020-05-01
- 中国城市政商关系排行榜(2018)2018年发布时间:2019-12-20
- 2021新一轮零食革命:中国健康类零食如何破局从前面的消费者趋势,可以发现:健康营养健康支付溢价依然是食品饮料行业趋势的主旋律,消费者会更加愿意为;除了关注食物本身的健康程度以外,对于消费者来说更重要的是找到适合自己生活方式、个人身体状况的健康食物。2021年发布时间:2021-07-27
- 2015-2016中国APP年度排行榜本文排行榜综合考核中国主流应用综合市场表现,从公司实力、市场地位、用户规模及活跃度、用户满意度、媒体影响力以及创新性等多个角度开展评分,最终通过评分获得对应的排名2015-2016年发布时间:2020-10-26
- 休闲零食专题行业研究:如何看待零食渠道的变革与机遇?2023年发布时间:2024-03-19
- 2021年全球最佳品牌排行榜Change in culture rarely happens in sudden leaps, but there are exceptions.2021年发布时间:2021-12-03
- 解数咨询第140期:宝宝零食报告1.《数据解读宝宝零食赛道》 ①.年增速500%,宝宝零食下谁是最“蓝海”的细分赛道? ②.群雄割据的宝宝零食行业,还有哪些机会点? ③.小鹿蓝蓝,奶酪博士,beazero未零,三大黑马品牌横向对比分析2022年发布时间:2022-06-28
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