In particular,the data compiled in this year's Review suggest that in 2018,global energy demand and carbon emissions from energy use grew at their fastest rate since 2010/11,moving even fur ther away from the accelerated transition envisaged by the Paris climate goals.
BP's economics team estimate that much of the rise in energy growth last year can be traced back to weather-related effects,as farmilies and businesses increased their demand for cooling and heating in response to an unusually large number of hot and cold days.The acceleration in carbon emissions was the direct result of this increased energy consumption.
Even if these weather effects are short-lived,such that the growth in energy demand and carbon emissions slow over the next few years,there seems lttle doubt that the current pace of progress is inconsistent with the Paris climate goals.The world is on an unsustainable path:the longer carbon emissions continue to rise,the harder and more costly will be the eventual adjustment to net-zero carbon emissions.Yet another year of growing carbon emissions underscores the urgency for the world to change.
The Statistical Review provides a timely and objective insight into those developments and how that change can begin to be achieved.
The strength iท energy consumption was reflected acroรs all the fuels,many of which grew more strongly than their recent historical averages.This acceleration was particularly pronounced for natural gas,which grew at one of its fastest rates for over 30 years,accounting for over 40% of the growth in primary energy.On the supply side,the data for 2018 reinforced the central importance of the US shale revolution.
分时租赁:汽车租赁的细分领域,将掀起怎样一场风暴?分时租赁主题数据包包含84项数据(10个数据报告、74个表格数据),数据包的大小为36.8MB。分时租赁,意指以小时计算提供随取即用的租赁服务。汽车分时租赁指的是基于互联网和移动设备应用,以小时或分钟计费,随取随用随还的自助式的、满足人们碎片化用车需求的服务。 在中国,分时租赁虽然还处于起步阶段,但发展速度非常迅猛。目前北汽、上汽、比亚迪、力帆、吉利等汽车生产企业都已进入分时租赁市场,而北京、上海、重庆、杭州、广州、珠海、厦门、三亚、武汉、深圳、南京、兰州等城市也已开始积极推行分时租赁模式。2016年汽车分时租赁市场规模仅为4.3亿元,到2019年汽车分时租赁市场规模增长至47.5亿元,规模持续扩大。 本数据包对分时租赁的模式概念、产品特征、行业发展历程进行了梳理,探讨当前政策、市场、消费环境下,分时租赁面临的发展困境、突破之道、企业价值、产业核心,总结分时租赁行业短期发展趋势及未来动向,旨在帮助行业研究者与从业者快速了解分时租赁市场的现状及发展趋势。2010-2020年发布时间:2021-06-09新经济创业投资
2021-2022年中国新经济创业投资数据2021-2022年中国新经济创业投资数据主题数据包包含35项数据(1个数据报告、34个表格数据),数据包的大小为13.3MB。 本数据包主要关注了中国新经济产业的创投全貌,用数据真实记录与深刻复盘中国新经济产业(尤其是互联网TMT)的创投格局。2021年,创业格局是怎样的?投资格局是怎样的?国家队资本投资意愿如何?行业和产业发展是怎样的?在这个数据包里都可以找到满意的答案。2012-2022年发布时间:2022-03-01