In particular,the data compiled in this year's Review suggest that in 2018,global energy demand and carbon emissions from energy use grew at their fastest rate since 2010/11,moving even fur ther away from the accelerated transition envisaged by the Paris climate goals.
BP's economics team estimate that much of the rise in energy growth last year can be traced back to weather-related effects,as farmilies and businesses increased their demand for cooling and heating in response to an unusually large number of hot and cold days.The acceleration in carbon emissions was the direct result of this increased energy consumption.
Even if these weather effects are short-lived,such that the growth in energy demand and carbon emissions slow over the next few years,there seems lttle doubt that the current pace of progress is inconsistent with the Paris climate goals.The world is on an unsustainable path:the longer carbon emissions continue to rise,the harder and more costly will be the eventual adjustment to net-zero carbon emissions.Yet another year of growing carbon emissions underscores the urgency for the world to change.
The Statistical Review provides a timely and objective insight into those developments and how that change can begin to be achieved.
The strength iท energy consumption was reflected acroรs all the fuels,many of which grew more strongly than their recent historical averages.This acceleration was particularly pronounced for natural gas,which grew at one of its fastest rates for over 30 years,accounting for over 40% of the growth in primary energy.On the supply side,the data for 2018 reinforced the central importance of the US shale revolution.
工程机械:“基建狂魔传说”,见证中国制造的崛起工程机械主题数据包包含77项数据(65个数据报告、12个表格数据),数据包的大小为78.5MB。工程机械是装备工业的重要组成部分。概括地说,凡土石方施工工程、路面建设与养护、流动式起重装卸作业和各种建筑工程所需的综合性机械化施工工程所必需的机械装备,称为工程机械。 随着工程机械的发展人类完成基建的能力急速提高,百米高楼,千米大堤,万里铁路在各种工程机械的配合下一一落成,使人类的生活质量有了质的提高。工程机械的需求有很强的波动性,与经济的活跃度有着密切相关的关系,在经济活跃度较高时,在一定时期内开工建设了大量的楼宇、水库、厂房以及公路等基础设施,并与之相关的使用了大量的钢材、煤炭等生产资料,带动了工程机械需求的全面增长。另一方面,从宏观经济层面上影响工程机械需求的因素是增加政府支出的逆周期的调节政策,比如中国和欧洲、北美在2008年金融危机时采取的不同的财政政策对工程机械行业的影响。 本数据包数据概括了对工程机械行业发展的预测,工程机械景气程度的展望,以及中国工程机械产业在全球的竞争力研究等,希望能对厘清中国工程机械行业现状及作出正确预测提供帮助。1990-2019年发布时间:2021-09-08挖掘机
中国挖掘机行业数据挖掘机主题数据包包含86项数据(44个数据报告、42个表格数据),数据包的大小为74.2MB。挖掘机,又称挖掘机械,又称挖土机,是用铲斗挖掘高于或低于承机面的物料,并装入运输车辆或卸至堆料场的土方机械。挖掘机挖掘的物料主要是土壤、煤、泥沙以及经过预松后的土壤和岩石。从近几年工程机械的发展来看,挖掘机的发展相对较快,挖掘机已经成为工程建设中最主要的工程机械之一。 2020年3月以来,中国挖掘机械行业驶上了高速发展的快车道。据中国工程机械工业协会行业统计数据,2020年1-8月纳入统计的25家主机制造企业,共计销售各类挖掘机械产品189535台,同比涨幅26.7%。从实际销量数据来看,根据中国工程机械工业协会数据显示,2020年4-8月挖掘机销量同比增速约60%;剔除海外销量增速后,国内本土需求同比增速甚至超过65%。 本数据包从市场角度整理了挖掘机的产量、销售量、保存量,还有相关物联网、智能制造、基建投资等,旨在帮助用户快速了解中国挖掘机产业的现状和未来发展趋势。2002-2021年发布时间:2021-10-27