The programme, in coordination with the Implementation
Monitoring and Evaluation Division of the Ministry of Planning, and the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, developed a module on normative beliefs and attitudes driving child marriage that will be applied to 64 Districts of the country, This module will provide district-level information on the perceived drivers of child marriage by the communities, the impacts of child marriage on continuing education and adolescent health, the level of the community 'S acceptability of child marriage and reporting of child marriages in the community.
The programme also contributed towards evidence generation by publishing the study, Context of Child Marriage and its Implications in Bangladesh'. The study provides in-depth insight into the causes and consequences of child marriage in Bangladesh, and makes concrete recommendations for ending it, The findings show that, since child marriage is influenced by a multiplicity of causes, a multi-dimensional approach is needed to prevent child marriage in Bangladesh and to minimize its negative consequences.
More specifically, concerted efforts are needed from all levels - individual, community, institutional, state and policy - to impact the context of child marriage in the country, The findings were shared and discussed with locally elected representatives to create community awareness and to encourage key influencers to speak out about the consequences of child marriage.
- 2017年度报告国家概况:儿童基金会加速结束童婚行动全球方案2017年,国家方案小组分析了失学少女童婚的持续风险,指出小学后学校数量有限,特别是在农村地区,长途通勤受到限制,萨赫勒地区边界地区的安全状况恶化。为了解决这一差距,儿童基金会和人口基金继续进行高级别宣传,以有效执行对弱势女孩的免费教育措施。他们还支持为失学的超龄女孩建立二次机会学校。国家方案正在与男性青少年合作,发展他们对男性参与反对童婚和女性外阴残割以及负责任的男性气概的认识。2017年的结果显示,在开展活动和实现年度目标方面取得了进展,正在努力实施多部门干预措施。例如,东部地区消除童婚的多部门社区协调平台正在通过人口基金向女孩提供生活技能培训和计划生育咨询和服务。2017年发布时间:2020-07-16
- 2017年年报加速和放大变革:儿童通基金会加速结束童婚行为全球方案在过去的十年里,童婚继续下降。在全球范围内,小时候结婚的年轻妇女比例下降了15%,从四分之一下降到五分之一左右。然而,目前童婚率下降的速度不足以实现可持续发展目标中到2030年结束童婚的目标;要实现这一目标,进展需要比过去十年观察到的速度快12倍。童婚的减少是不均衡的。虽然南亚在减少童婚方面走在了前列,但全球的负担正在转移到撒哈拉以南非洲,那里的进展速度需要大大加快,以降低患病率并抵消人口增长。2015-2019年发布时间:2020-07-16