Deloitte's 2019 back-to-school survey: key findings
Back-to-school spend expected to remain relatively flat ( + 1.8% ), as online spend increases Total back-to-school spending is expected to reach $27.8B or $519 per student, up slightly from $510 in 2018 . The electronic gadgets category is expected to grow by $800M (+ 29% over 2018), while the computers and hardware category is expected to decline by $60OM (- 16% below last year);
Households plan to spend 56% of their budget in-store and 29% online with the remaining 15% up for grabs with undecided shoppers; online has grown from 22% to 29% since 2016;
Compared to last year, electronic gadgets represent the only category in which online sales are expected to grow at the expense of in-store shopping (an increase in nearly 20 percentage points);
Mobile use is expected to increase this year (+7 percentage points in planned use), while desktops/laptops, and social are expected to decline. Newer tech (e,g., voice assisted, digital reality) has yet to gain traction for B2S;
Consumers are clear: Price, product, and convenience matter most
Funda mentals matter in driving back-to-school purchases: Price is likely to be the predo minant driver with sales/discounts ( 69%) and competitive prices (57%) as the top attributes driving purchase decisions.
- 2019年返校季购物报告报告显示,2019年美国将有1840万学生前往大学。购物清单从书籍和用品开始,到宿舍和公寓家具,服装和配件,计算机和硬件,小工具。报告显示,在2019年的返校(B2C)购物季节,数学和总计的预计支出超过250亿美元。2019年发布时间:2019-08-14
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