更新时间:2021-12-31This year marks the publication of the 3oth Annual Data Report (ADR) of the United States Renal DataSystem (USRDS)。 Broadly, the mission of the USRDS is to characterize the kidney disease population in thecountry and serve as a comprehensive, regularly updated, online resource for the descriptive epidemiologyof kidney disease in the United States。 In addition, supporting investigator initiated research by dataprovisioning to the community of researchers is one of the key functions of the USRDS。 To this end, theUSRDS prepares and regularly updates the standard analysis files (SAFs) for researchers, and fulfills datamerge requests from researchers or organizations seeking to examine the outcomes of populations ofinterest with respect to the occurrence of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and related complications。 Last butnot least, the USRDS Coordinating Center staff respond to a variety of queries related to kidney disease,ranging from simple to complex, from individuals as well as governmental and non-governmental agencies。
Both federal and non-federal agencies have done much to raise awareness of kidney disease as a
significant public health problem。 Only few decades ago kidney failure was a fatal disease。 When dialysis wasdeveloped and made available as a chronic therapy, lack of insurance coverage represented a barrier totreatment。 This resulted in the passage of the landmark Medicare ESRD program in 1972 to fund ESRD carefor all Americans。
In 1988, the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) established theUSRDS, the largest and most comprehensive national ESRD surveillance system。The initial USRDS ADRsoffered a detailed descriptive epidemiology of ESRD alone。 A chapter addressing chronic kidney disease(CKD) was introduced in 2003, and was subsequently expanded into a multi-chapter CKD volume since2009。
Since 2000, CKD has received increasing attention。 The consensus definition and staging classification ofCKD from KDOQI was first published in 2002 as the KDOQI Clinical Practice Guidelines for Chronic KidneyDisease: Evaluation, Classification, and Stratification。 That year also marked the launch of NIDDK's NationalKidney Disease Education Program (NKDEP)。 NKDEP provides information for patients and providersregarding the detection of CKD and care of people with the disease。 In 2006, the Centers for Disease Controland Prevention launched a broad CKD initiative, with the CDC CKD Surveillance System as its majorcomponent。 This project prioritizes the earlier stages of CKD, as opposed to ESRD, or the late transitions ofcare from advanced stages of CKD to ESRD。
In the 201g ADR, we continue to characterize the spectrum of CKD and ESRD patient populations, anddescribe the distributions of patients by attributes such as age, sex, race, and comorbid conditions。
中国糖尿病和高血糖患者数据中国糖尿病和高血糖患者数据主题数据包包含45项数据(2个数据报告,40个表格数据和3个数据图说) ,数据包的大小为14.1MB。 本数据包关注中国患糖尿病人群的数据。主要包括了分性别的糖尿病患者人数、死亡人数、新增病患人数、分1型和2型糖尿病患者和死亡人数、糖尿病引发的并发症死亡人数等。数据和报告来源于亿欧智库,、百度健康、IHME和IDF等国际权威健康机构。1990-2020年发布时间:2021-12-31艾滋病
艾滋病:关爱艾滋病患者,尊重每一个生命艾滋病主题数据包包含76项数据(13个数据报告、63个表格数据),数据包的大小为43.2MB。艾滋病是一种危害性极大的传染病,由感染艾滋病病毒(HIV)引起。HIV是一种能攻击人体免疫系统的病毒,它把人体免疫系统中最重要的CD4T淋巴细胞作为主要攻击目标,大量破坏该细胞,使人体丧失免疫功能。 全世界预防艾滋病病毒新发感染的工作远远落后于既定目标。2019年约有170万新发感染者,是全球目标值的三倍多;非洲东部和南部在预防感染方面取得进展,自2010年以来新发感染者减少了38%;与之形成鲜明对比的是,东欧和中亚地区自2010年以来的新发感染者上升了令人震惊的72%。中东和北非的新发感染者增加了22%,拉丁美洲增加了21%。 本数据包详细介绍了近年来艾滋病预防与治疗方面的进展,还有国际社会对艾滋病患者提供的包括医疗、心理社会、身体、社会经济、营养和法律方面的诸多服务与支持。近年来,“理性看待艾滋病,关爱艾滋病患者”的呼声渐高,许多国家在消除艾滋病污名和歧视方面已有所进步,但歧视仍然严重。1990-2025年发布时间:2021-03-17