更新时间:2024-11-22Today, travelers have the ability to review and rate virtually every aspect of their travel experience and prospective travelers base many of their purchase decisions on what others are saying. Consumer satisfaction plays a strong role in the evaluation of travel brands, and in order to build an authentic relationship with the modern traveler, these brands must understand how technology affects the traveler's experience and satisfaction with a trip.
Americans, now more than ever,are taking travel planning into their own hands. From researching trip activities to booking accommodations and flights. consumers now rely on a combination of the internet and social media to facilitate their planning.All this said, it doesn't mean that travel brands are completely removed from the equation. Brands in turn are able to serve millions of travelers every year through website and mobile transactions.
This white paper profiles the modern leisure traveler and identifies emerging trends that are expected to drive growth and change in the industry.
YouGov's Plan and Track data shows that the relationship between a brand and a traveler doesn't need to be solely trans actional, meaning the relationship doesn't need to end when a vacation starts. Why? Individuals who intend to vacation and get away still want to stay connected on their trips.
The data also reveals that travelers bring a number of personal devices with them, the most popular being smartphones. Travelers believe strongly that their phones can enhance, rather than detract, from the travel experience.As long as this belief hoids firm, technology will continue to play a powerful role in how travelers interact with brands while on vacation and in the greater picture of customer satisfaction.
Read on and learn more about how travelers choose their vacation destinations, who they bring with them on vacations, which activities they use their smartphones for on vacation. And the features they want most in a travel app. This paper also offers insights into travelers who make mobile payments while on vacation and examines the success of Hotel Tonight, a travel brand that went mobile-first with its business strategy.
Six in 10(64%)Americans say they will go on a vacation in 2019, and that intent varies little with age. Every generation expresses a strong appetite for leisure travel. Just eight percentage points separate Millennials—the generation especially likely to say they will vacation-and the Silent Generation—the generation expressing the lowest intent.
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