This report was prepared by a core team consisting of Tom Bundervoet (Task Team leader, Poverty and Equity Practice), Arden Finn (Co-Task Team Leader, Poverty and Equity GP), Shohei Nakamura (Economist, Poverty and Equity GP), and Berhe Mekonnen Beyene (Economist, Poverty and Equity GP), under the overall guidance of Pierella Paci (Practice Manager, Poverty and Equity GP), Nataliya Mylenko (Pro- gram Leader), and Carolyn Turk (Country Director, AFCE2). Nora Dihel, Zerihun Kelbore and Samuel Mulugeta contrib- uted to the macro-economic analysis presented in the intro- duction. Thomas Sohnesen (Consultant, Poverty and Equity GP), Lucian Bucur Pop (Senior Social Protection Specialist, Social Protection and Jobs GP), Daisy Demirag (Consultant, Social Protection and Jobs GP), Judith Sandford (Consul- tant, Social Protection and Jobs GP), and Abu Yadetta (Se- nior Social Protection Specialist, Social Protection and Jobs GP) contributed to Chapter 6 on social protection. Chapter 7 was prepared in collaboration with Maude Cooper, Saori lwamoto and Rewa Misra (Georgetown University) with guid- ance from Jacobus Cilliers (Georgetown University). Manex Bule Yonis (Consultant, Poverty and Equity GP) contributed to data analysis for several chapters in this report.