更新时间:2024-11-22“We are proud to announce another stellar quarter of quality growth," said Mr. Rui Chen, the chairman of the board and chief executive officer of Bilibili.“During our peak summer season, user growth surged, engagement levels reached an all-time high, and we continued to expand our topline. In the third quarter, MAUs and DAUs each grew 35% year-over-year, advancing us toward our 3-year growth goal. Importantly, our community is stickier and more engaged than ever. Users spent an average of 88 minutes per day on Bilibili, the longest time we have seen in our operating history. Along with our growth, we are deepening our commitment as a responsible public company. We continue to cultivate an inclusive community; promoting positive content and engaging in better environmental, social and governance practices. We hope to instill heartening Chinese culture and values across our community, and bring more‘Created in-China' content to the world" Mr. Sam Fan, chief financial officer of Bilibi, said,“We closed the third quarter with record high revenues of RMB5.2 billion, up 61% year-over-year. Our revenue mix is more balanced and healthier, and we continue to improve monetization across our growing businesses. Motivated by our expansive brand influence, revenues from our advertising business continued to increase, up 110% in the third quarter to RMB1.2 billion, compared with the same period in 2020. MPUs also grew to 24 million in the third quarter, up 59% year-over- year, and our paying ratio reached 8 9%. We believe we are on the right path to achieve our near- and long- term goals, fortified by our strong fundamentals, healthy balance sheet and ample cash reserves of RMB24.4 billion.Total net revenues. Total net revenues were RMB5,206.6 million (USS808.0 million), representing an increase of 61% from the same period of 2020. Mobile games. Revenues from mobile games were RMB1 ,391.7 million (US$216.0 million), representing an increase of 9% from the same period of 2020. Value-added services (VAS). Revenues from VAS were RMB1 ,908 9 million (USS296.3 million), representing an increase of 95% from the same period of 2020, mainly attributable to the Company' s enhanced monetization efforts, led by an increased number of paying users for the Company' s value- added services including the premium membership program, live broadcasting services and other value-added services. Advertising. Revenues from advertising were RMB1,172.0 million (USS181.9 million), representing an increase
of 110% from the same period of 2020. This increase was primarily attributable to further recognition of Bilibili's brand name in China' s online advertising market, as well as Bilibili' s improved advertising efficiency.
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