更新时间:2024-01-17“We are proud to announce another stellar quarter of quality growth," said Mr. Rui Chen, the chairman of the board and chief executive officer of Bilibili.“During our peak summer season, user growth surged, engagement levels reached an all-time high, and we continued to expand our topline. In the third quarter, MAUs and DAUs each grew 35% year-over-year, advancing us toward our 3-year growth goal. Importantly, our community is stickier and more engaged than ever. Users spent an average of 88 minutes per day on Bilibili, the longest time we have seen in our operating history. Along with our growth, we are deepening our commitment as a responsible public company. We continue to cultivate an inclusive community; promoting positive content and engaging in better environmental, social and governance practices. We hope to instill heartening Chinese culture and values across our community, and bring more‘Created in-China' content to the world" Mr. Sam Fan, chief financial officer of Bilibi, said,“We closed the third quarter with record high revenues of RMB5.2 billion, up 61% year-over-year. Our revenue mix is more balanced and healthier, and we continue to improve monetization across our growing businesses. Motivated by our expansive brand influence, revenues from our advertising business continued to increase, up 110% in the third quarter to RMB1.2 billion, compared with the same period in 2020. MPUs also grew to 24 million in the third quarter, up 59% year-over- year, and our paying ratio reached 8 9%. We believe we are on the right path to achieve our near- and long- term goals, fortified by our strong fundamentals, healthy balance sheet and ample cash reserves of RMB24.4 billion.Total net revenues. Total net revenues were RMB5,206.6 million (USS808.0 million), representing an increase of 61% from the same period of 2020. Mobile games. Revenues from mobile games were RMB1 ,391.7 million (US$216.0 million), representing an increase of 9% from the same period of 2020. Value-added services (VAS). Revenues from VAS were RMB1 ,908 9 million (USS296.3 million), representing an increase of 95% from the same period of 2020, mainly attributable to the Company' s enhanced monetization efforts, led by an increased number of paying users for the Company' s value- added services including the premium membership program, live broadcasting services and other value-added services. Advertising. Revenues from advertising were RMB1,172.0 million (USS181.9 million), representing an increase
of 110% from the same period of 2020. This increase was primarily attributable to further recognition of Bilibili's brand name in China' s online advertising market, as well as Bilibili' s improved advertising efficiency.
腾讯公司经营数据(财报汇总)腾讯公司经营数据(财报汇总)主题数据包包含46项数据(39个数据报告、3个表格数据和4个数据图说),数据包的大小为85.6MB。 本数据包内容为2004年-2020年腾讯公司的中期报告与年报汇总,方便需要对腾讯公司进行研究的数据包用户节省时间,一次性轻松获取全部财务报告。2004-2021年发布时间:2021-11-17阿里巴巴
阿里巴巴经营状况(业绩、财报、收入)阿里巴巴经营状况(业绩、财报、收入)主题数据包包含109项数据(20个数据报告、86个表格数据和3个数据图说),数据包的大小为41.0MB。 阿里巴巴是国内最大的电商平台,位列中国互联网巨头“BAT”之一。2021财年第四季度财报显示:截至2021年3月31日,阿里巴巴在当季实现归属于普通股股东的净亏损为人民币54.79亿元,净亏损为人民币76.54亿元,系阿里巴巴上市以来首度亏损。2021财年全年营收7172.89亿元,去年同期5097.11亿元。2021财年全年净利润1503.08亿元,去年同期1492.63亿元,GMV达8.119万亿,全球活跃消费者超10亿。就主营业务数据及用户数据来看,阿里巴巴仍处于增长态势。 本数据包内容包括2018-2020年阿里巴巴集团业绩情况汇总,阿里巴巴最新财报情况,阿里巴巴收入及利润情况,通过该数据包用户可以进一步了解阿里巴巴集团的经营发展状况。2016-2021年发布时间:2021-11-243D打印
3D打印:没有打不出,只有想不到,3D打印可以这么玩3D打印主题数据包包含55项数据(17个数据报告、38个表格数据),数据包的大小为49.2MB。3D打印技术出现于20世纪90年代中期,是一种以数字模型文件为基础,运用粉末状金属或塑料等可粘合材料,通过逐层打印的方式来构造物体的技术。不同于传统的减材制造技术,3D打印是“增材制造技术”,具有制造成本低、生产周期短等明显优势,被誉为“第三次工业革命最具标志性的生产技术”。3D打印将多维制造变成简单的由下而上的二维叠加,从而大大降低了设计与制造的复杂度。同时,3D打印还可以制造出传统方式无法加工的奇异结构,尤其适合动力设备、航空航天、汽车等高端产品上的关键零部件的制造。历史上美国、日本、德国占据了3D打印市场的主导,尤其是美国占据了全球近38%的比重。 目前中国的3D打印主要集中在家电及电子消费品、模具检测、医疗及牙科正畸、文化创意及文物修复、汽车及其他交通工具、航空航天等领域。数据显示,2012年中国3D打印机市场规模达到1.61亿美元,至2016年,中国3D打印产业规模达到11.87亿美元(约80亿元人民币),复合增长率为49%,从增长速度来看,中国市场潜力巨大。鉴于产业政策与财政政策的支持,初步预计2018年我国3D打印市场规模可达到22.5亿美元,2022年达到80亿美元左右。 本数据包数据覆盖了3D打印的行业概况、领域分析以及发展趋势,旨在为相关领域的企业、从业者及爱好者提供参考。2016-2025年发布时间:2024-01-173C产业
3c产业:大展拳脚的国货市场,线上销售热火朝天3C产业主题数据包包含398项数据(56个数据报告、342个表格数据),数据包的大小为247MB。3C产业出现在90年代后期,指结合电脑、通讯和消费性电子三大科技产品整合应用的资讯家电行业。 传统3C产品通常指的是电脑、平板电脑、手机、数码相机等设备,新兴的3C产品包括VR/AR,可穿戴设备,手环等电子设备。随着半导体的发展以及互联网普及,3C产业乘着数位时代的快车,渐渐发展为世界性的新型科技产业。2018年全球3C产品出货量达39.3亿台,其中,电脑和智能手机仍占据主导地位,分别占比49.6%和46.1%。值得注意的是,可穿戴设备的出货量保持着明显增长趋势,或将成为近几年3C产品的重要增长点。 本数据包从市场角度收集了电脑、智能手机、智能可穿戴设备等3C产品的相关数据,并从用户偏好、消费者画像、广告价值等角度对不同品牌进行分析比对,旨在帮助用户快速了解中国3C产业发展现状及未来发展趋势。2009-2023年发布时间:2021-09-29