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- 5G安全报告(2020)本文系统地梳理了5G关键技术、典型应用场景及产业生态的安全风险,提出了安全理念和应对思路措施,并对后续加强各方互信合作,更好地推动5G发展与安全进行了展望和倡议。2015-2020年发布时间:2020-05-18
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- 2020年航运报告2020年航运报告 This project has used a scenario approach to assist to describe likely outcomeson technology uptake in the maritime industry. The four scenarios A-D eachprovide a different picture of how the shipping fleet would appear in 2020.Thescenarios are described in details later in this report, but to better appreciate themain findings, as described below, the scenarios can be summarized as follows: SCENARIO A(Full steam ahead""): High economic growth; high fuel prices;little regulatory or stakeholder pressure on the environment SCENARIO B(“Knowing the ropes""): High economic growth; LNG prices lowand decoupled from oil prices; high regulatory and stakeholder pressure on theenvironment SCENARIO C ("Sink or swim"): Low economic growth; low fuel prices in generalbut high demand keeps the marine gas oil (MGO) prices up; high regulatory andstakeholder pressure on the environment SCENARIO D ("In the doldrums""): Low economic growth; LNG prices decoupledfrom oil prices; low regulatory or stakeholder pressure on the environment. This study has idlentified key findings con-ceming the main regulatory issues, highlight-ing important considlerations for ship ownersand operators in the period leading up to2020.The key findings firom the simulationmodel are summarised here. Finding l: More than 1 in 10 newbuilldings inthe next 8 years will be delivered with gasfuelled engines. The number of liquefied natural gas (L.NG)fiellecdl slaips throuagh 202o depPeaI0eaboveon fuel pricex. With a LNG price 10% above heavy fuel oil(HFO).7-8% of newiuildingsfrom 2012 to 2020 will be able to run on LNG.If the LNG price goes down to 30%below HFO, the uptake of LNG increases to13%ammcll, in the eaxtreame case of ILNG price.70% below HFO, the LNG share of newbuild-ings is 30 percent. In total numbers.13% is equtivalent to approximately 1.,000 ships.The global sulphur limit, if effective begin-ning in 2020,combined with the 20%EEDIreduc tion requtirement, will have a sigmificantimpact on the implementation of gas fuelledlengines prowvided the capacity and fuel supply are there. We could see up to half of thenewbuildings being delivered with gas fuelledlengines Ey 2020. 【更多详情,请下载:2020年航运报告】2020年发布时间:2021-10-27
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- 2020年年度策略展望:棋至中盘,寻找2020年的α2020,既无2019年初估值优势之机,又无2019年盈利修复之缘,如何在估值和盈利之中寻找光彩一隅?2020,着重关注5大行业、8大赛道、3大金股组合。2019-2020年发布时间:2020-07-21
- 2020年投资主题策略本文内容包括重点关注产品追踪(每周),2020年重大事件,2020年七大「黑天鹅」,资产配置部分等2020年发布时间:2020-03-28
- 2020年趋势报告本文囊括六大主题,从科技、文化、艺术、环境等多方面预测全球发展趋势。2020年来了,新的千禧年之后,我们已经走过了整整二十年。全球累积的数据总量正呈指数级增长,我们甚至需要创建全新的单位来对其进行量化。 仅在过去的十年中,数据总量就从4.4 ZB(泽字节,1ZB约等于1万亿 GB)增长到44 ZB(WEF)。2020年发布时间:2020-05-18