In particular,the data compiled in this year's Review suggest that in 2018,global energy demand and carbon emissions from energy use grew at their fastest rate since 2010/11,moving even fur ther away from the accelerated transition envisaged by the Paris climate goals.
BP's economics team estimate that much of the rise in energy growth last year can be traced back to weather-related effects,as farmilies and businesses increased their demand for cooling and heating in response to an unusually large number of hot and cold days.The acceleration in carbon emissions was the direct result of this increased energy consumption.
Even if these weather effects are short-lived,such that the growth in energy demand and carbon emissions slow over the next few years,there seems lttle doubt that the current pace of progress is inconsistent with the Paris climate goals.The world is on an unsustainable path:the longer carbon emissions continue to rise,the harder and more costly will be the eventual adjustment to net-zero carbon emissions.Yet another year of growing carbon emissions underscores the urgency for the world to change.
The Statistical Review provides a timely and objective insight into those developments and how that change can begin to be achieved.
The strength iท energy consumption was reflected acroรs all the fuels,many of which grew more strongly than their recent historical averages.This acceleration was particularly pronounced for natural gas,which grew at one of its fastest rates for over 30 years,accounting for over 40% of the growth in primary energy.On the supply side,the data for 2018 reinforced the central importance of the US shale revolution.
中国国产动画发展现状(数量、观众、动画电影、动画短视频、营销收入)中国国产动画发展现状(数量、观众、动画电影、动画短视频、营销收入)主题数据包包含29项数据(10个数据报告、18个表格数据和1个数据图说),数据包的大小为62.8MB。 本数据包呈现了中国国产动画、漫画的发展现状。介绍了中国动画电影的市场、国漫观看人群、不同平台国漫的受众以及网络在线国产动画的数量。数据和报告内容来自哔哩哔哩、电影票房数据中心、骨朵传媒、艺恩数据等平台和传媒数据分析机构。2009-2025年发布时间:2021-11-19国产影片
国产影片:从《流浪地球》到《八佰》,中国电影越来越靓国产影片主题数据包包含68项数据(12个数据报告、56个表格数据),数据包的大小为27.4MB。国产影片包括国产电影、国产动画、国产电视剧等多个片种。 近十年来,国产影片逐渐崛起,国产电影票房屡次刷新纪录:2019年中国电影票房达643亿人民币,同比增长5.4%,与北美票房差距进一步缩小,《流浪地球》 《哪吒之魔童降世》等爆款大片不仅带动了类型题材的突破,也为中国电影市场注入了新的活力。 本数据包主要包含了国产影片生产数量、相关票房情况、口碑指数等数据;通过这些数据,用户既可以快速了解整个行业的宏观分析与研究报告,也可以聚焦部分影片的剖析。此外,有关国产片票房占比变化情况、民营电影公司国产片市场份额变化情况等则有利于对行业趋势进行分析与解读。2010-2020年发布时间:2020-12-30动漫
动漫:不再小众,视频巨头争夺4亿动漫用户动漫主题数据包包含127项数据(7个数据报告、120个表格数据),数据包的大小为46.2MB。动漫即动画和漫画的合称,最早主要在日本动漫的爱好者中使用,用来指日本的动画和漫画。随着中国动画和漫画产业的发展,用来指中国的动画和漫画的场合也越来越广泛。 近年来,中国文化消费和内容消费市场迅速发展,动漫产业在人口红利和资本的双重驱动下,动漫产业产值持续快速增长;截至2017年底,动漫产业产值占文娱业总产的24%,产值达到1500亿元。2018年Q4开始,中国网络动漫市场单季规模突破20亿元,并在2019年持续保持发展。 动漫行业正向内容精品化的方向发展,现阶段动漫用户以年轻群体为主;性别比例均衡;生长在经济条件较好的环境中;具有较高的消费能力和品质诉求。随着动漫题材丰富、面向成人的优质内容增加,受众趋于全民化。本数据包将涵盖了动漫产业产行业发展、动漫用户的群体特征和行为、动漫在营销方面的价值等相关信息。2009-2020年发布时间:2020-11-25