Foreword by Andrew Sullivan, President and CEO, Internet Society
The Internet Society develops its Global Internet Reports to bring significant features of the Internet's evolution to the attention of the global Internet community. The report normally contains some recommendations about the topic, proposing action to be taken or avoided as the topic and conditions warrant. This year, we examine the topics of concentration and consolidation on the Internet.
There can be little question that the Internet is facing change due to concentration and consolidation. The two patterns are linked but nevertheless distinct. We can observe the patterns at several levels:
Transit on the Internet is consolidating. Long-haul transit operators are becoming fewer but larger because of mergers and acquisitions. Even in access provisioning, some jurisdictions are seeing fewer, larger ISPs and consolidated offerings across the market, Delivery of standard Internet services is consolidating in large providers. For several years now, for example, most Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) traffic has come from just a few mail service providers, who provide that service for a very large percentage of Internet users.
- 2019年整合网络经济报告从Facebook在社交信息领域、谷歌在搜索领域和亚马逊在线购物领域的主导地位来看,最大的互联网平台正在吸引大量的互动。互联网平台在提供一系列通信、娱乐和生产力以及生活方式服务和工具方面已经发生了演变,这些服务和工具的设计非常方便。InternetSociety还观察到互操作性,以及标准开发和部署正日益形成规模。越来越多地使用大多数平台驱动的API,将更多的互联网功能和互操作性交给了极其强大的生态系统,这些生态系统的利益可能与其他生态系统的利益不一致。互联网的拓扑结构也不可避免地发生了变化。InternetSociety将这种整合的互联网成为“深度依赖性”。2019年发布时间:2019-07-29
- 2003-2020年全球人口数量及物联网设备数量及预测该统计数据包含了2003-2020年全球人口数量及物联网设备数量及预测。2003年全球物联网设备数量为0.1十亿。2003-2020年发布时间:2021-07-30
- 2008-2017年英国移动广告的收入该统计数据包含了2008-2017年英国移动广告的收入。2017年英国移动广告的收入为5200百万英镑。2008-2017年发布时间:2019-03-26
- 2021年全球各区域互联网用户的渗透率该统计数据包含了2021年全球各区域互联网用户的渗透率。北美互联网用户的渗透率最高,渗透率93.4%。2021年发布时间:2023-08-07
- 1998-2017年全球252个国家和地区每100人固定宽带订阅情况固定宽带订阅是指以等于或大于256 kbit ∕ s的下行速度高速访问公共Internet(TCP ∕ IP连接)的固定订阅。 这包括电缆调制解调器,DSL,光纤到户∕建筑物,其他固定(有线)宽带用户,卫星宽带和地面固定无线宽带。 不论付款方式如何,都将对总额进行计量。 它不包括可以通过移动蜂窝网络访问数据通信(包括Internet)的订阅。 它应包括固定的WiMAX和任何其他固定的无线技术。 它包括住宅订阅和组织订阅。每100人的固定宽带Internet用户数是通过将固定宽带Internet用户数除以人口,然后乘以100得到的。1998-2017年发布时间:2020-07-01
- 2022中国社交媒体营销终极指南1 billion Chinese are online and 22 million joined in the last 6 months! Internet penetration in China is still only 71.6%, compared to over 90% in Europe and North America ISL so there's clearly still room for growth.2022年发布时间:2021-12-17
- 2015-2018年美国主要电脑互联网浏览器的市场份额该数据包含了2015-2018年美国主要电脑互联网浏览器的市场份额。2018年2月Chrome为65.1%,Internet Explorer为9.37%,Safari为8.55%,Firefox为9.22%,Edge为6.41%。2015年发布时间:2020-07-16
- 小米集团2020年Q1简报In Q12020 Total revenue was RMB49.7 billion, up 13.6% YoY Adjusted net profit1 was RMB2.3 billion, up 10.6% YoY Smartphones revenue grew 12.3% YoY loT and lifestyle products revenue grew 7.8% YoY Internet services revenue grew 38.6% YoY,Our mainland China smartphone and smart TV shipments rebounded rapidly after the dip in February.2020年发布时间:2021-12-15
- 2021年电信运营商收入多元化报告The GSMA represents the interests of mobile operators worldwide, uniting more than 750 operators with nearly 400companles.In the broader mobile ecosystem, including handset and device makers, software companies, equipment provlders and Internet companies, as well as organis ations in adjacent industry sectors. The GSMA also produces the industry-leading MWC events held annually in Barcelona, Los Angeles and Shanghal, as well as the Mobile 360 Serles ofreglonal conferences.2021年发布时间:2022-01-20
- 2016年科技、传媒和电信行业预测In 2002, homes typically had dial-up Internet access, boxy television sets, wired speakers, standalone digital cameras,shopping catalogues and fixed line telephones. Photos were stored in albums and shelves bulged with CDs and DVDs; LPs had been banished to the attic or sold off.Candy bar'shaped mobile phones had monochrome screens and were predominantly used to make calls andexchange text messages.2016年发布时间:2021-09-24
- 2016年BI软件25大趋势报告.In 2o16, we predict even more disruption will occur: Facebook will battle.YouTube in mobile video, Indonesia will become one of the largest smartphonemarkets, the Blockchain will be recognized as more than a fad, Amazon willleave its shipping partners, and oil companies will embrace IoTtechnology asthe price of oil continues to drop. In this report, we provide 25 predictions across our five key verticals includingMobile, E-Commerce, Digital Media, Payments, and the Internet of Things.2016年发布时间:2021-09-24
- 2017年度安全报告——IoT安全威胁近年来,物联网技术的普及和快速发展让越来越多设备智能化,在公共领域,智慧环境﴾ 家庭,办公,工厂﴿ 领域,个人和社会领域等方面都有深入应用,新的技术和设备引入也带来了新的安全和隐私风险。该报告将探讨2017年整年关于IoT﴾Internet of Things﴿ 设备相关的安全问题。2017年发布时间:2021-04-07