There are increasing concerns around the globe about pollution and its impact on air qualityand climate change. United States is currently the second largest contributor to worldwide Carbon dioxide emissions at 15%. Transportation sector is one of the largest causes of air pollution and emission in United States. It contributes 27% of the total Greenhouse gas emissions in 2015. Between 2990 and 2015, GHG emissions in the transportation sector increased more in absolute terms than any other sector due in large part to increased demand for travel.Consequently, Federal government of the United States as well as state governments have created legislation and standards for transportation sector to improve air quality and to combat climate change. For example, from vehicle side, in 2010 EPA and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) establish a 35.5-mpg standard for new light-duty vehicles by 2016. The following year, EPA and NHTSA proposed additional rules for a 54.5- mpg standard by 2025, and adopted additional GHG and fuel economy standards for other types of vehicles. At State and Local government levels, twenty-three states have adopted GHG reduction targets;35 states have developed climate action plans.
500 mayors have signed the U.S. Conference of Mayors' Climate Protection Agreement. Many state and local governments are implementing transportation strategies to reduce GHG, such as S.B. 375, California's legislation on land use and transportation planning, etc. It is commonly agreed that transportation air pollution and GHG reduction can be achieved from five areas include Vehicles, Fuels, Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT), Operational Efficiency, and Construction, Maintenance, and Agency Operations. The previous efforts on combating air pollution and GHG reduction were heavily focused on the first two areas. But growing attention has been shifted to VMT as growth in travel could present a challenge to achieving environmental targets. If people travel more, especially on private cars, higher VMT and higher GHG emissions are generated. VMT per capita are higher in the US than in Europe and Canada. Even if future per-capita VMT stays flat, total VMT in the US still would grow at about 1% per year because of population growth, offsetting some of the technological improvements invehicles and fuels.
So, this report summarizes a number of legislations and plans on federal, state as well as local level that aiming to improve the efficiency and quality of public transportation, with a focus on public transit, as well as its interaction with biking/walking and integration with land use. The improvement of public transportation will help shift the travel from high emission private cars to cleaner transportation ways, thus reduce the emission from transportation sector.
- 美国公共交通领域应对气候变化及提升空气质量相关法律法规The following year, EPA and NHTSA proposed additional rules for a 54.5- mpg standard by 2025, and adopted additional GHG and fuel economy standards for other types of vehicles. At State and Local government levels, twenty-three states have adopted GHG reduction targets;35 states have developed climate action plans.2018年发布时间:2021-11-08
- 低碳通信方案在中国:减排贡献及减排潜力本报告重点研究通信行业的ICT产品与服务对碳减排的贡献,揭示了ICT产品所具备的巨大节能减排潜力。 我们选择全球网络和客户规模最大的电信运营商中国移动作为量化研究案例,应用GHG Protocol等方法量化中国移动的ICT产品与解决方案一年的减排量。 我们将目前电信运营商提供的ICT产品主要分为四大应用领域:智慧物流、非实物化、智慧工作和智慧应用。在此基础上,分别就各个领域定量和定性相结合的分析了ICT产品在中国的减排潜力。2008-2009年发布时间:2020-03-16
- 电气设备行业跟踪报告:FCAB发布美国锂离子电池十年蓝图计划,多方位重码押注锂电,战略发展地位明确FCAB提出美国锂电十年蓝图计划。1)锂电池应用领域广泛,电动汽车占主导地位:锂离子电池在社会中应用广泛。目前和预计的需求主要由电动汽车(EV)主导,但锂离子电池在消费类电子产品、关键的国防应用和电网的固定存储中也占据重要地位。2)电池的开发和生产对美国的清洁能源转型和汽车行业的经济性具有战略意义:汽车制造业每年通过汽车销售和服务拉动经济增长1.1万亿美元。2017年的一项估计显示,美国约有1000万个就业岗位与汽车行业直接相关,其中5%的就业岗位依赖于汽车行业。交通运输占美国温室气体(GHG)排放总量的28%,是美国温室气体排放的最大来源。通过电气化使运输部门脱碳将净化空气,有助于应对气候变化,并以公平和公正的方式建立有利于所有社区的清洁能源经济。2021年发布时间:2021-07-28
- 气候行动:构建新型竞争力范式人们已经普遍意识到,如果我们不即刻采取行动,地球将面临气候灾难。大气中的二氧化碳水平不断攀升,注定了后世的气候变迁。全球气温已经上升了1°C左右,多数科学家预计这一数字将在2030年至2050年间某个时刻达到1.5°C——这种程度的温度上升被认为是导致灾害的气候变暖的原因。我们需要采取紧急行动,特别是针对造成大气二氧化碳水平攀升的两个主要因素:化石燃料燃烧供能和工业过程引起的排放。因其对社会和自然影响速度之快,气候变化成为一个极其紧迫的威胁。例如,生物多样性的丧失。而一项新技术出现时,它对用户的影响是循序渐进的。飞机影响5,000万人的生活历经了近70年,而电气化尽管已经应用超过一个世纪,但在当今世界某些地区仍是重要问题。无独有偶,工业革命经历了很长的“加速”时间,通常持续两代或两代以上。但人们普遍认同,如果我们希望限制全球变暖,最多还有十年时间将温室气体(GHG)排放量减半。除非我们在未来几年内采取行动,利用我们掌握的所有技术,否则地球将走向灾难。2021年发布时间:2021-09-13