For my first Predictions event as CEO, I find myself looking back at just how much change we've witnessed in the tech industry since we first took to the stage to reveal our vision for the connected world.For my first Predictions event as CEO, I find myself looking back at just how much change we've witnessed in the tech industry since we first took to the stage to reveal our vision for the connected world. We' re prileged to have a leading role at a time when continual innovations, growth and changing competitive and regulatory dynamics demand nimble thinking and decisive analysis. Indeed, if the past 18 months have shown us anything, it's how quickly devices, applications, services and connectivity can change our lives and how complex the impact on our industry can be. Growing concerns about sustainability, privacy and the blurring of our personal and working lives mean that we must all balance these pressures against ever-increasing demand for technology and the urgent need for guardrails on its application. To help you navigate these challenges and turm potential pitfalls into sustainable opportunities, our experts have put together a collection of 99 predictions for the coming years. Our aim is to avoid the obvious and be bold in our view of how the technology landscape will evolve. As always, we ve loved compiling these predictions; | hope you enjoy them just as much.With access to an almost infinite pool of market data, today's tech leaders don't just need information - they need rapid access to the high- value analysis that matters. At CCS Insight, we cut to the core of what counts, helping our clients optimize their business for today while positioning them to take advantage of tomorrow. Our data services drill deep into the real market forces at play, and our team of highly respected analysts offer wise counsel in a world of white noise. It's about bringing data-driven products and passionate people together, and focussing our efforts on turning insight into opportunity, knowledge into understanding and targets into deliverables.Insight-rich analysis: We constantly track fast-moving technology markets across the globe to deliver in-depth analysis and strategic projections on what developments mean for your business. Outstanding people: Our analysts are among the most influential voices on technology in the world. They form an integral part of a responsive, professional team dedicated to supporting our clients. Friction-free integration: We deliver information directly into your workflow, maximizing its value to your business by ensuring it is accessible and actionable. Switched-on delivery: When markets move, we react. We publish timely news and analysis on all the important events in tech directly to clients, including quarterly financial reports on major players. 镝数聚dydata,pdf报告,小数据,可视数据,表格数据
    * 本报告来自网络,如有侵权请联系删除



    关键字智能制造, 高端制造, 计算机


    For my first Predictions event as CEO, I find myself looking back at just how much change we've witnessed in the tech industry since we first took to the stage to reveal our vision for the connected world.


    For my first Predictions event as CEO, I find myself looking back at just how much change we've witnessed in the tech industry since we first took to the stage to reveal our vision for the connected world. We' re prileged to have a leading role at a time when continual innovations, growth and changing competitive and regulatory dynamics demand nimble thinking and decisive analysis. Indeed, if the past 18 months have shown us anything, it's how quickly devices, applications, services and connectivity can change our lives and how complex the impact on our industry can be. Growing concerns about sustainability, privacy and the blurring of our personal and working lives mean that we must all balance these pressures against ever-increasing demand for technology and the urgent need for guardrails on its application. To help you navigate these challenges and turm potential pitfalls into sustainable opportunities, our experts have put together a collection of 99 predictions for the coming years. Our aim is to avoid the obvious and be bold in our view of how the technology landscape will evolve. As always, we ve loved compiling these predictions; | hope you enjoy them just as much.With access to an almost infinite pool of market data, today's tech leaders don't just need information - they need rapid access to the high- value analysis that matters. At CCS Insight, we cut to the core of what counts, helping our clients optimize their business for today while positioning them to take advantage of tomorrow. Our data services drill deep into the real market forces at play, and our team of highly respected analysts offer wise counsel in a world of white noise. It's about bringing data-driven products and passionate people together, and focussing our efforts on turning insight into opportunity, knowledge into understanding and targets into deliverables.Insight-rich analysis: We constantly track fast-moving technology markets across the globe to deliver in-depth analysis and strategic projections on what developments mean for your business. Outstanding people: Our analysts are among the most influential voices on technology in the world. They form an integral part of a responsive, professional team dedicated to supporting our clients. Friction-free integration: We deliver information directly into your workflow, maximizing its value to your business by ensuring it is accessible and actionable. Switched-on delivery: When markets move, we react. We publish timely news and analysis on all the important events in tech directly to clients, including quarterly financial reports on major players.


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