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This paper briefly sets out the key elements of thecurrent international reform agenda and highlightsthe application of these elements in the Asia。Pacific region. It is organised around the majorwork-streams of the Financial Stability Board (FSB).
In the seven years since the onset of the financialcrisis, regulation has emerged as a major strategicconsideration for financial services firms.The reformagenda has fundamentally recast market structuralparameters,such as those for banking services andover-the-counter (OTC)derivatives, and extendedthe regulatory perimeter to activities such as creditratings and benchmarks.While many reforms have been completed, ourreview of the current regulatory agenda indicatesthat it will remain full in coming years, particularly asexisting standards are recalibrated or new topics ofattention arise.We see multiple regulatory initiatives that representthe ongoing development and implementation of keypost-crisis reforms, recalibrations of existing standards(notably the revisions to certain Basel standards,which are increasingly termed 'Basel IV') or the