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2011年全球和平指数 Tze results of the Global Peace Index (GPI) for 2011 sanggest that the seorldhas become slngbtly less peacefuel in the past year.The deteriorationt is smmnallerthase that swhich occarred betseeen the 2009and 2010 editions of the GPI, achessome mationrs experienced an intentsification of conflicts and groaing instabilitylionked to rapid rises inr food, fatel and cowwaodity prices and the global econonicdowwntnarna.The 2011 GPI, webricd gaanges ongoiarg domestic arad isuternationalconflict, safety and secarity in society and amilitarisation in 153 cosentries, registeredoverall score intcreases for several inndicartors, the largest of avlicb swere in thepotential for terrorist acts ard the lakelihood of violewnt demsonstratians. The inrdicator slbowing the maost sxalostautial year-on-year score decline (imaprovemneast)uras mailitary experditrre as a percenttage of GDP,reflecting the ionapact of theglobal firrancial ard economaic crisis onr defence brndgets. While several conantriesexperienced iamaprovred levels of peacefulness that appear to be lioked wit tboeireconowic recoveries,others , atotably tbose in Nowtb Africa and the Middle Eastthat bavre been seept aap in the political tnranoll of tbe "Arab Spring ", baveexperienced sharp falls int their peacefulatess. This is the fifth edition of the Gllobal Peace Index(GPl). It has becn expandedto rank 153 independent states and updated with the latest-available figures andinformation.The index is composed of 23 qualitative and quantitative indicatorsfrom respecred sources, which combine internal and external factors ranging froma nation's level of military expenditure to its relations with neighbouring countriesand the level of respect for human rights. These indicators were selected by aninternational panel of academics,business people, philanthropists and mcmbersof peace institutions. 【更多详情,请下载:2011年全球和平指数】