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来源海外发展研究所(ODI), Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence(GAGE)
关键字残疾, 青少年, 青年尊严, 妇女儿童
残疾青少年:增强适应力并提供全纳教育 Preface The past thirty years has witnessed a significant global transformation in recognition and understanding of disability, in large part as a result of effective and persistent activism on the part of the disability community. In 1989, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child broke new ground in its explicit inclusion of disability as a ground for protection from discrimination for the first time in an international human rights treaty. It also contained a dedicated article addressing the situation of children with disabilities. While welcome, its language still perpetuated the focus exclusively on targeting services and support towards children with disabilities rather than removing the barriers that impede the realisation of their rights. It was only with the adoption by the UN of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in 2006 that the social and human rights based model of disability was unequivocally recognised, through the introduction of two fundamental propositions. First, it ffirms that persons with disabilities are subjects of rights on an equal basis with others. And second, it acknowledges that those rights will never be realised unless and until the economic, social, cultural, attitudinal, communication and physical barriers that serve to disoriminate and exclude are removed. 【更多详情,请下载:残疾青少年:增强适应力并提供全纳教育】