青少年健康已成为全球议程上的一个优先事项。2015年9月在可持续发展峰会上启动的“每个女人每个孩子的全球妇女、儿童和青少年健康战略(2016-2030)1”增加了对青少年的关注,因为到目前为止在解决青少年健康问题方面进展不均权利和需求。作为“每一个妇女每一个儿童”运动的一部分,许多政府已经作出政治承诺,将青少年健康放在优先地位,并全面努力改善生殖、产妇、新生儿和儿童健康。卫生六处将调动其集体专门知识和技术能力,以确保在国家领导的实施全球战略的努力中解决青少年健康问题,并将继续倡导有证据的生殖、产妇、新生儿、儿童和青少年。优先考虑青少年健康的技术指导 Introduction Adolescent health has become a priority on the global agenda. The Every Woman Every Child Global Strategy for Women's, Children's, and Adolescents' Health (2016-20301, launched at the Sustainable Development Summit in Seplember 2015, has added a focus on adolescents, in view of the uneven progress thus far in addressing their rights and needs. As part of the Every Woman Every Child movement, many governments have made political commitments to prioritize adolescent health together with their overall efforts in improving repro- ductive, maternal, newborn, child health. The H6 will be mobilizing its collective expertise and technical capacity to ensure adolescent health is addressed in countryled efforts to implement the Global Strategy, and will continue to advocate for evidence-informed reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adoles- cent health 【RMNCAH) programmes at all levels. Most importantly, many low- andmiddle-income countries increasingly recognize the pivotal impor- tance of addressing the health and development issues of their adolescent populations to reach the Suslainable Development Goals 【SDGs) from now until 2030. Beyond health itself, investments are needed in other domains crucial for an adolescent to survive, thrive and transform his or her society. In fact, success across the different SDGs - such as improving quality edu- cation, achieving gender equality and women's and girls empowerment, promoting inclusive economic growth and decent work. 【更多详情,请下载:优先考虑青少年健康的技术指导】 镝数聚dydata,pdf报告,小数据,可视数据,表格数据
    * 本报告来自网络,如有侵权请联系删除



    来源Every Woman Every Child
    关键字妇女儿童, 青少年健康, 全球融资, 优质教育




    Adolescent health has become a priority on the global agenda. The Every Woman Every Child Global Strategy for Women's, Children's, and Adolescents' Health (2016-20301, launched at the Sustainable Development Summit in Seplember 2015, has added a focus on adolescents, in view of the uneven progress thus far in addressing their rights and needs. As part of the Every Woman Every Child movement, many governments have made political commitments to prioritize adolescent health together with their overall efforts in improving repro- ductive, maternal, newborn, child health. The H6 will be mobilizing its collective expertise and technical capacity to ensure adolescent health is addressed in countryled efforts to implement the Global Strategy, and will continue to advocate for evidence-informed reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adoles- cent health 【RMNCAH) programmes at all levels.
    Most importantly, many low- andmiddle-income countries increasingly recognize the pivotal impor- tance of addressing the health and development issues of their adolescent populations to reach the Suslainable Development Goals 【SDGs) from now until 2030.
    Beyond health itself, investments are needed in other domains crucial for an adolescent to survive, thrive and transform his or her society. In fact, success across the different SDGs - such as improving quality edu- cation, achieving gender equality and women's and girls empowerment, promoting inclusive economic growth and decent work.


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