该报告是迄今为止在伴侣动物和老年人健康领域进行的研究中最广泛的文献综述。它涵盖了1980年至2013年的已发表研究,考虑了老年人在身体,心理,情感和社会健康方面的影响,无论是在社区中作为宠物主人还是作为护理设施及其他引入动物进行娱乐和休闲的机构的居民治疗目的。还考虑了伴侣动物的经济影响。尽管由于项目设计不力或控制不力而导致研究存在局限性和空白,但改善老年人健康和福祉的积极指标令人鼓舞,并肯定了该领域未来研究的价值。伴侣动物与老年人的健康 Executive Summary This review synthesises a wide body of literature concerning research into companion animals and the health of older persons. It is informed by a widely-held conviction among investigators that this research field has important implications for the future of societies and individuals. The human subjects of the research studies include older persons living independently and those in long-term care facilities, incorporating dementia sufferers and those with a psychiatric illness. Research foci include the physical, mental, emotional and social health of older people, as well as the role of animals in older people's perceptions of inclusion in their community, and the economic impact of animals interacting with older citizens. The animals used in these studies range from domestic pets (most commonly dogs and cats but including other mammals as well as aquatic life and birds) to those introduced into residential care facilities for animal- assisted activities or therapy. The studies are of definitively narrow scope or in the nature of a meta-analysis or review of current literature for the chosen research focus, such as dementia and depression. Researchers in this field have found a significant number of positive indicators for benefits to humans brought about by contact with animals, which are summarised in this review. 【更多详情,请下载:伴侣动物与老年人的健康】 镝数聚dydata,pdf报告,小数据,可视数据,表格数据
    * 本报告来自网络,如有侵权请联系删除



    关键字老年人口, 动物伴侣, 孤独感, 情感寄托




    Executive Summary
    This review synthesises a wide body of literature concerning research into companion animals and the health of older persons. It is informed by a widely-held conviction among investigators that this research field has important implications for the future of societies and individuals. The human subjects of the research studies include older persons living independently and those in long-term care facilities, incorporating dementia sufferers and those with a psychiatric illness. Research foci include the physical, mental, emotional and social health of older people, as well as the role of animals in older people's perceptions of inclusion in their community, and the economic impact of animals interacting with older citizens. The animals used in these studies range from domestic pets (most commonly dogs and cats but including other mammals as well as aquatic life and birds) to those introduced into residential care facilities for animal- assisted activities or therapy. The studies are of definitively narrow scope or in the nature of a meta-analysis or review of current literature for the chosen research focus, such as dementia and depression.
    Researchers in this field have found a significant number of positive indicators for benefits to humans brought about by contact with animals, which are summarised in this review.


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