本报告探讨了莱索托减少贫困方面的进展和挑战。莱索托的贫困率今天低于15年前。但是,2017年的贫困率为49.7%,贫困仍然很普遍。经济脆弱性很高,超过75%的人口贫困或易受贫困困扰。这表明大多数人口缺乏经济机会,被剥夺了多个战线。莱索托仍然是世界上最不平等的20%国家之一。结合改善人力资本,促进创造就业机会和解决高失业率,提高农业生产率的政策,以及建立抵御经济和环境冲击的复原力的政策,将促进莱索托的共同繁荣并加速减贫。莱索托贫困评估:减少贫困的进展和挑战 Preface I am pleasedto present the LesothoPovertyAssessment: Progress and challenges in reducing poverty report. The report was produced by a World Bank team and the Lesotho Bureau of Statistics (BOS). I wish to express my gratitude to BOS and particularly to thank the Director, Ms. Celina Molato for facilitating this work. I also wish to thank the Minister of Development Planning, Hon. Tlohelang Aumane, for his guidance during the preparation of this report as well as the Principal Secretary, Ministry of Development Planning, Ms. Nthoateng Lebona. The report reveals that much has been done to improve the lives of Basotho. About 47,000 people were lifted out of poverty over a 15-year period between 2002 and 2017, when L esotho's poverty rate fell by about 7 percentage points, from 56.6 percent to 49.7 percent. Despite this progress, this study finds that economic vulnerability is high, with more than 75 percent of the population either poor or vulnerable to poverty. It reveals the nature and face of poverty in Lesotho as mainly affecting people living in rural areas, with poverty levels being highest among female-headed households, the less educated, the unemployed, large families, andchildren. The evidence in this report indicates that urban areas experienced greaterpovertyreductionfollowing improvements in education and increases in incomes from well-paying jobs largely in the services sector. 【更多详情,请下载:莱索托贫困评估:减少贫困的进展和挑战】 镝数聚dydata,pdf报告,小数据,可视数据,表格数据
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    关键字贫困率, 经济脆弱性, 人力资本, 生产率




    I am pleasedto present the LesothoPovertyAssessment: Progress and challenges in reducing poverty report. The report was produced by a World Bank team and the Lesotho Bureau of Statistics (BOS). I wish to express my gratitude to BOS and particularly to thank the Director, Ms. Celina Molato for facilitating this work. I also wish to thank the Minister of Development Planning, Hon. Tlohelang Aumane, for his guidance during the preparation of this report as well as the Principal Secretary, Ministry of Development Planning, Ms. Nthoateng Lebona.
    The report reveals that much has been done to improve the lives of Basotho. About 47,000 people were lifted out of poverty over a 15-year period between 2002 and 2017, when L esotho's poverty rate fell by about 7 percentage points, from 56.6 percent to 49.7 percent. Despite this progress, this study finds that economic vulnerability is high, with more than 75 percent of the population either poor or vulnerable to poverty. It reveals the nature and face of poverty in Lesotho as mainly affecting people living in rural areas, with poverty levels being highest among female-headed households, the less educated, the unemployed, large families, andchildren.
    The evidence in this report indicates that urban areas experienced greaterpovertyreductionfollowing improvements in education and increases in incomes from well-paying jobs largely in the services sector.


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