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加纳减贫:进展与挑战 Executive Summary Ghana has posted a strong growth performance during the past two decades. After more than a decade of stable annual growth in gross domestic product (GDP) at between 4 and 5 percent, growth began to pick up in the early 2000s and reached a steady rate of nearly 8 percent after 2006 (figure 1). Over the last 20 years, the Ghanaian economy has almost always grown more quickly than have the economies of other Sub- Saharan African countries (Africa hereafter) and at rates similar to those of lower-middle-income countries. Rapid growth translated into accelerated poverty reduction. The poverty rate fell by more than half between1991and 2012, from 52.7 percent to 21.4 percent (figure 2). The coun- try seems easily on track to reduce the poverty rate in line with Millennium Development Goal 1. Its performance compares well with that of other countries in Africa. In 2012, the poverty rate in Ghana was less than half the African aver- age of 43 percent, while in 1991, it had been only 10 percent lower than the African rate.l The . extreme poverty rate declined even more quickly, dropping from 37.6 percent in 1991 to 9.6 percent in 2012. 【更多详情,请下载:加纳减贫:进展与挑战】