该报告估计了剥夺女童的全球影响,并显示了受教育程度如何影响她们的生活机会和选择,以及这在个人,家庭和社区各级的结果。调查结果表明,女孩在六个领域具有变革性的力量:(1)收入和生活水平;(2)童婚和早育;(3)生育率和人口增长;(4)健康,营养和福祉;(5)代理和决策;(6)社会资本和机构。调查结果表明,女孩受教育的机会有限以及完成12年教育的障碍使各国损失了15万亿至30万亿美元的终身生产力和收入。错过的机会:不教育女孩的高昂代价 This study is part of a series of notes at the World Bank on the potential cost of not educating girls globally. Despite substantial progress over the last two decades, girls still have on average lower levels of educational attainment than boys in many countries, especially at the secondary and tertiary levels. As documented by the World Development Report 2018, when it comes to actual learning, while girls tend to outperform boys in reading, they score lower in math and science tests in many countries. Together with occupational segregation and social norms that discourage women to take full advantage of labor market opportunities, this leads to large gaps in earnings between men and women. In addition, low educational attainment for girls has potential negative impacts on a wide range of other development outcomes not only for the girls themselves, but also for their children, families, communities, and societies. The objective of the series of notes is to document these potential impacts and their economic costs. Low educational attainment affects girls' life trajectories in many ways. Girls dropping out of school early are more likely to marry or have children early, before they may be physically and emotionally ready to become wives and mothers. This may affect their own health. It may also affect that of their children. For example, children of mothers younger than 18 face higher risks of dying by age five and being malnourished. 【更多详情,请下载:错过的机会:不教育女孩的高昂代价】 镝数聚dydata,pdf报告,小数据,可视数据,表格数据
    * 本报告来自网络,如有侵权请联系删除



    来源儿童投资基金会, Global Partnership for Education, Malala Fund, 世界银行
    关键字教育, 女童, 妇女, 收入




    This study is part of a series of notes at the World Bank on the potential cost of not educating girls globally. Despite substantial progress over the last two decades, girls still have on average lower levels of educational attainment than boys in many countries, especially at the secondary and tertiary levels. As documented by the World Development Report 2018, when it comes to actual learning, while girls tend to outperform boys in reading, they score lower in math and science tests in many countries. Together with occupational segregation and social norms that discourage women to take full advantage of labor market opportunities, this leads to large gaps in earnings between men and women. In addition, low educational attainment for girls has potential negative impacts on a wide range of other development outcomes not only for the girls themselves, but also for their children, families, communities, and societies. The objective of the series of notes is to document these potential impacts and their economic costs.
    Low educational attainment affects girls' life trajectories in many ways. Girls dropping out of school early are more likely to marry or have children early, before they may be physically and emotionally ready to become wives and mothers. This may affect their own health. It may also affect that of their children. For example, children of mothers younger than 18 face higher risks of dying by age five and being malnourished. 


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