认识到在受冲突影响的情况下影响女孩的特殊脆弱性,本评价着重于女孩的教育。不投资女童的教育费用远远超过了投资费用。女童教育可以促进经济增长,提高妇女的工资,改善妇女的健康状况,减少童婚,并增强个人和社区的权能。此外,使女孩在受冲突影响的环境中受教育的行动可以为冲突之前可能不存在的变革性变革创造“机会之窗”。证据审查:在受冲突影响的情况下减轻对女童教育的威胁 Conflict amplifies existing power dynamics and inequalities in families and societies because of the insecurity and fear caused by the upheaval of support structures. Conflicts generally result in the loss of livelihoods and changes in social roles for men and women. Girls, women, boys, and men have different experiences, face different risks, and have different ways of coping. During conflict, educational needs change and different barriers to education for girls and boys emerge or become more evident. Structural inequalities often intensify during periods of cri- sis. Because they tend to be at a lower status than men and boys and generally have less access to financial resources, social capital, and legal means to protect themselves when conflict arises, the poorest women and girls can experience greater dependency, socioeconomic disempowerment, and limited social mobility. The lack of an enabling environment that actively promotes gender equality and equal access to opportunities both before and during crises is a funda- mental threat to the ability of girls and women to fulfil their rights, including the right to education. At the same time, the social disruption experienced during conflict can present an opportunity to harness shifts in gender roles and respon- sibilities to set new precedents for gender equality (Wood, 2008; Nicolai, 2009; UNICEF, 2016). Discussions of security and peace in the context of human- itarian emergencies do not reflect these inherent structural inequalities. 【更多详情,请下载:证据审查:在受冲突影响的情况下减轻对女童教育的威胁】 镝数聚dydata,pdf报告,小数据,可视数据,表格数据
    * 本报告来自网络,如有侵权请联系删除



    关键字女童, 妇女, 教育, 教育




    Conflict amplifies existing power dynamics and inequalities in families and societies because of the insecurity and fear caused by the upheaval of support structures. Conflicts generally result in the loss of livelihoods and changes in social roles for men and women. Girls, women, boys, and men have different experiences, face different risks, and have different ways of coping. During conflict, educational needs change and different barriers to education for girls and boys emerge or become more evident.
    Structural inequalities often intensify during periods of cri- sis. Because they tend to be at a lower status than men and boys and generally have less access to financial resources, social capital, and legal means to protect themselves when conflict arises, the poorest women and girls can experience greater dependency, socioeconomic disempowerment, and limited social mobility. The lack of an enabling environment that actively promotes gender equality and equal access to opportunities both before and during crises is a funda- mental threat to the ability of girls and women to fulfil their rights, including the right to education. At the same time, the social disruption experienced during conflict can present an opportunity to harness shifts in gender roles and respon- sibilities to set new precedents for gender equality (Wood, 2008; Nicolai, 2009; UNICEF, 2016).
    Discussions of security and peace in the context of human- itarian emergencies do not reflect these inherent structural inequalities. 


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