童婚在许多国家根深蒂固,女孩往往一到青春期就结婚。这项研究对占世界童婚绝大多数的25个国家所作的估计也显示出了下降的趋势,但童婚的普遍程度仍然很高。该研究着眼于五个方面的影响:(1)生育率和人口增长;(2)健康,营养和暴力;(3)受教育程度和学习;(4)劳动力参与度和收入;(5)参与,决策和投资。童婚的经济影响:全球综合报告 1. Child marriage is defined as a marriage or union taking place before the age of 18. In many countries, a large share of girls still marry before the age of 18. According to data from Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) for about 60 countries, in the past 30 years the prevalence of child marriage has decreased, but not very rapidly (Nguyen and Wodon, 2015; see also UNFPA, 2012, and UNICEF, 2014). Estimates produced for this study for 25 countries accounting for an overwhelming majority of child marriages worldwide also suggests a decline, but the prevalence of child marriage remains high. According to the latest DHS, the share of women between the ages 18-22 who married before the age of 18 in the 2 countries was 36.7 percent. Child marriage is deeply entrenched in many communities, with girls often marrying as soon as they reach puberty. In addition, almost one in five women in the 18-22 age group have their first child before the age of 18 in these 25 countries, a proportion that has also declined over time but remains high. In some countries, many early childbirths (defined as women having a child before the age of 18 or children being born of mothers younger than 18) takes place outside of marriage. In most countries, however, early childbirths are in most cases a direct consequence of child marriage. 2. The international community and country governments are increasingly aware of the negative impacts of child marriage, yet investments to end the practice remain limited. Ending child marriage is now part of the Sustainable Development Goals. 【更多详情,请下载:童婚的经济影响:全球综合报告】 镝数聚dydata,pdf报告,小数据,可视数据,表格数据
    * 本报告来自网络,如有侵权请联系删除



    来源Bill&Melinda Gates Foundation, 儿童投资基金会, 国际妇女研究中心, 世界银行
    关键字童婚, 女童, 经济成本, 生育, 教育, 劳动力, 收入




    1. Child marriage is defined as a marriage or union taking place before the age of 18. In many countries, a large share of girls still marry before the age of 18. According to data from Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) for about 60 countries, in the past 30 years the prevalence of child marriage has decreased, but not very rapidly (Nguyen and Wodon, 2015; see also UNFPA, 2012, and UNICEF, 2014). Estimates produced for this study for 25 countries accounting for an overwhelming majority of child marriages worldwide also suggests a decline, but the prevalence of child marriage remains high. According to the latest DHS, the share of women between the ages 18-22 who married before the age of 18 in the 2 countries was 36.7 percent. Child marriage is deeply entrenched in many communities, with girls often marrying as soon as they reach puberty. In addition, almost one in five women in the 18-22 age group have their first child before the age of 18 in these 25 countries, a proportion that has also declined over time but remains high. In some countries, many early childbirths (defined as women having a child before the age of 18 or children being born of mothers younger than 18) takes place outside of marriage. In most countries, however, early childbirths are in most cases a direct consequence of child marriage.
    2. The international community and country governments are increasingly aware of the negative impacts of child marriage, yet investments to end the practice remain limited. Ending child marriage is now part of the Sustainable Development Goals.


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