该报告为受暴力侵害的妇女和女童提供的一揽子基本服务、核心要素和质量准则。这些协调和治理协调的基本行动指南旨在为必要的服务提供指导,以便正式和非正式地合作,以确保向所有妇女和女孩(必要时还包括她们的孩子)提供全面的以妇女和儿童为中心的应对措施。这些指导方针侧重于稳定环境下的中低收入国家。它们也适用于高收入人群国家。国家准则是基本服务一揽子计划的一部分,旨在为所有经历过基于性别的暴力的妇女和女孩提供更多机会获得一套基本质量和协调的多部门服务。这些准则是基本服务一揽子计划的一部分,旨在为所有经历过基于性别的暴力的妇女和女孩提供更多机会获得一套基本质量和协调的多部门服务。基本服务一揽子计划反映了为遭受暴力侵害的妇女和女孩采取协调一致的多部门对策的重要组成部分,包括保健服务、司法和治安服务、社会服务以及协调和治理机制的准则。为受暴力侵害的妇女和女童提供的一揽子基本服务、核心要素和质量准则 Development of these guidelines would not have been possible without: The courage of the many women who have experienced violence and have spoken out about their experiences and the activists, especially from women's organizations located across the globe, who have advocated for appropriate service provision and support for women subjected to violence. The efforts by governments who are taking actions towards ending violence against women through legislative reforms, policy initiatives and implementing prevention and responseprogrammes. The main donors for the UN Joint Programme on Essential Services for Women and Girls Subject to Violence, the Governments of Australia and Spain. The cross-sector practitioners, researchers, government representatives who attended and participated in all the Global Technical Consultations for this programme of work (details of participants available at www.endvawnow.org and click on Essential Services). The ongoing commitment of the UN system to develop programmes and actions responding to violence against women. The UN agencies engaged in supporting the adaptation and/or devel- opment of these guidelines have shared their time and knowledge to ensure that we continue to improve the provision of services for women and girls subject to violence. The agency represen- tatives are thanked for their commitment and input: Tania Farha and Riet Groenen (UN Women), Upala Devi and Luis Mora (UNFPA), Claudia Carcia Moreno and Avni Amin (WHO), Suki Beavers, Niki Palmer and Charles Chauvel (UNDP) and Claudia Baroni and Sven Pfeiffer (UNODC). 【更多详情,请下载:为受暴力侵害的妇女和女童提供的一揽子基本服务、核心要素和质量准则】 镝数聚dydata,pdf报告,小数据,可视数据,表格数据
    * 本报告来自网络,如有侵权请联系删除



    来源联合国, 世界卫生组织(WHO), Australia Aid, Spanish cooperation, Emakumearen Euskal
    关键字暴力, 性侵, 治安, 社会




    Development of these guidelines would not have been possible without:
    The courage of the many women who have experienced violence and have spoken out about their experiences and the activists, especially from women's organizations located across the globe, who have advocated for appropriate service provision and support for women subjected to violence.
    The efforts by governments who are taking actions towards ending violence against women through legislative reforms, policy initiatives and implementing prevention and responseprogrammes.
    The main donors for the UN Joint Programme on Essential Services for Women and Girls Subject to Violence, the Governments of Australia and Spain.
    The cross-sector practitioners, researchers, government representatives who attended and participated in all the Global Technical Consultations for this programme of work (details of participants available at www.endvawnow.org and click on Essential Services).
    The ongoing commitment of the UN system to develop programmes and actions responding to violence against women. The UN agencies engaged in supporting the adaptation and/or devel- opment of these guidelines have shared their time and knowledge to ensure that we continue to improve the provision of services for women and girls subject to violence. The agency represen- tatives are thanked for their commitment and input: Tania Farha and Riet Groenen (UN Women), Upala Devi and Luis Mora (UNFPA), Claudia Carcia Moreno and Avni Amin (WHO), Suki Beavers, Niki Palmer and Charles Chauvel (UNDP) and Claudia Baroni and Sven Pfeiffer (UNODC).


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