全球毒品趋势报告是联合国禁毒和预防犯罪办公室从1999年开始编写的年度报告,根据联合国各成员国提供的数据对全世界每年非法麻醉品生产、贩运和消费情况进行统计。本报告为2003年年度报告。2003全球非法毒品趋势英文版 PREFACE At the twentieth special session of the General Assembly in 1998, States Members agreed to make significant progress towards the control of supply and demand for ilicit drugs by the year 2008. They noted that this objective could only be achieved by means of the 'balanced approach' (giving demand as much attention as supply), and on the basis of regular assess- ments of the drug problem. The aim of the present report is to contribute to such assessments by presenting supply and demand statistics and analysis on the evolution of the global ilit drug problem. Reliable and systematic data to assess the drug problem, and to monitor progress in achiev- ing the goals set by the General Assembly, however, is not readily available. The present report is based on data obtained primarily from the annual reports questionnaire (ARQ) sent by Governments to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in 2002, supplement- ed by other sources. Two of the main data limitations are that: (a) these annual questionnaires are not systematic enough, both in terms of the number of countries responding and of con- tent; and (b) most countries lack the monitoring systems required to produce reliable, compre- hensive and internationally comparable data. There have been some recent improvements. National ilicit coca and opium monitoring systems, supported by UNODC, are now providing annual cultivation estimates for the main producing countries. However, data on other links in the drug chain, particularly on the demand side, are progressively weaker. 【更多详情,请下载:2003全球非法毒品趋势英文版】 镝数聚dydata,pdf报告,小数据,可视数据,表格数据
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    关键字毒品走私, 非法交易, 毒品, 毒品供应, 毒品交易




    At the twentieth special session of the General Assembly in 1998, States Members agreed to make significant progress towards the control of supply and demand for ilicit drugs by the year 2008. They noted that this objective could only be achieved by means of the 'balanced approach' (giving demand as much attention as supply), and on the basis of regular assess- ments of the drug problem. The aim of the present report is to contribute to such assessments by presenting supply and demand statistics and analysis on the evolution of the global ilit drug problem.
    Reliable and systematic data to assess the drug problem, and to monitor progress in achiev- ing the goals set by the General Assembly, however, is not readily available. The present report is based on data obtained primarily from the annual reports questionnaire (ARQ) sent by Governments to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in 2002, supplement- ed by other sources. Two of the main data limitations are that: (a) these annual questionnaires are not systematic enough, both in terms of the number of countries responding and of con- tent; and (b) most countries lack the monitoring systems required to produce reliable, compre- hensive and internationally comparable data. There have been some recent improvements. National ilicit coca and opium monitoring systems, supported by UNODC, are now providing annual cultivation estimates for the main producing countries. However, data on other links in the drug chain, particularly on the demand side, are progressively weaker.


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