在全球范围内,2017年被迫流离失所的人口增加了290万。截至年底,全世界有6850万人因迫害、冲突或普遍暴力而被迫流离失所。因此,世界被迫流离失所的人口再次保持在创纪录的高位。2017年全球被迫流离失所趋势 Introduction Multiple ongoing displacement crises and several new ones characterized 2017. As a result, the global population of forcibly displaced people increased to 68.5 million, compared with 65.6 million in 2016. Significant new displacement, affecting millions of people, was seen in particular from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Myanmar as well as continuing displacement due to the Syrian crisis. The past decade has seen substantial growth in the global population of forcibly displaced people. In 2007, this population numbered 42.7 million; over the last 10 years, this figure has increased by over 50 per cent.- Today 1 out of every 110 people in the world is displaced, compared with 1 in 157 ล decade ago, with much of this increase having occurred over the last five years. While the Syrian confict contributed significantly to this increase, there have been other major displacements throughout the world over the last five years, notably in and from Burundi, Central African Republic, the DRC, Iraq, Myanmar, South Sudan, Sudan, Ukraine, and Yemen. These included 25.4 million refugees:19.9 million under UNHCR's mandate and 5.4 million. Palestinian refugees registered with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). The global figure also included 40.0 milion internally displaced persons (source: IDMC) and 3.1 million individuals whose asylum applic ations had not yet been adjudicated by the end of the reporting period. 5 The aunnal rate of change of the population of forcibly displaced in the first five years of the last decade was -0.09 per cent, while for the last five years it was 9.5 per cent per year on average. 【更多详情,请下载:2017年全球被迫流离失所趋势】 镝数聚dydata,pdf报告,小数据,可视数据,表格数据
    * 本报告来自网络,如有侵权请联系删除



    关键字难民, 暴力, 全球难民日




    Multiple ongoing displacement crises and several new ones characterized
    2017. As a result, the global population of forcibly displaced people increased to 68.5 million, compared with 65.6 million in 2016. Significant new displacement, affecting millions of people, was seen in particular from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Myanmar as well as continuing displacement due to the Syrian crisis.
    The past decade has seen substantial growth in the global population of forcibly displaced people. In 2007, this population numbered 42.7 million; over the last 10 years, this figure has increased by over 50 per cent.- Today 1 out of every 110 people in the world is displaced, compared with 1 in 157 ล decade ago, with much of this increase having occurred over the last five years. While the Syrian confict contributed significantly to this increase, there have been other major displacements throughout the world over the last five years, notably in and from Burundi, Central African Republic, the DRC, Iraq, Myanmar, South Sudan, Sudan, Ukraine, and Yemen.
    These included 25.4 million refugees:19.9 million under UNHCR's mandate and 5.4 million.
    Palestinian refugees registered with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). The global figure also included 40.0 milion internally displaced persons (source: IDMC) and 3.1 million individuals whose asylum applic ations had not yet been adjudicated by the end of the reporting period.
    5 The aunnal rate of change of the population of forcibly displaced in the first five years of the last decade was -0.09 per cent, while for the last five years it was 9.5 per cent per year on average.


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