We believe that every studient and every educator. in everyclassroom, deserves the tools and skills that set them up forsuccess in buillding the future they want for themselves. Education is evolving at a faster pace than any other period inrecent history. Because of this. it's more important than ever tounderstand how and where it's changing so that educators andschools can support students in preparing for challenges andcareers that don't exist today.This report aims to identify andexamine research-based shifts in classroom education that aretaking place around the world. 教室的未来:K-12教育新趋势报告 This report is part of a series on the evolution of K-12 education,mapping out current and ermerging trends in classroom education. lIncollaboration with our research partner Canvas8, we conducted aglobal analysis spannling: Fourteen expert interviews with global and country-specificthought leaders in education Academic literature review focusing on the last two years ofpeer-reviewed publications Desk research and media narrative anallysis across theeducation sector, including policy research and teacher surveysWe acknowledige that some of the areas discussed in this report areones that overlap with Google-led products and programs. lin order tomaintain a focus on the research and studies presented, we've intentionally excluded them. There have been endiless media headlines coveringSilicon Valley parents" decisions to raise their kidswithout tech and send them to tech-free schools,sparking discussions around the role of technologyin education. At the same time, childiren are oniline at a youngerage than ewer before - people under 18 account foran estimated one in three lnternmet users gllobally.2 lnthe uS. more than 39% of young peeple get a sociallmedia account by the time they 're 12 years old.3 asdo over 46% of those lin the UK." These conditionshave created a desire to help students devellop ahealthy. responsible relationship with technology -something that often falls under the jurisdiction ofthe education system. 【更多详情,请下载:教室的未来:K-12教育新趋势报告】 镝数聚dydata,pdf报告,小数据,可视数据,表格数据
    * 本报告来自网络,如有侵权请联系删除



    关键字K12教育, 培训机构


    We believe that every studient and every educator. in everyclassroom, deserves the tools and skills that set them up forsuccess in buillding the future they want for themselves.
    Education is evolving at a faster pace than any other period inrecent history. Because of this. it's more important than ever tounderstand how and where it's changing so that educators andschools can support students in preparing for challenges andcareers that don't exist today.This report aims to identify andexamine research-based shifts in classroom education that aretaking place around the world.


    This report is part of a series on the evolution of K-12 education,mapping out current and ermerging trends in classroom education. lIncollaboration with our research partner Canvas8, we conducted aglobal analysis spannling:
    Fourteen expert interviews with global and country-specificthought leaders in education
    Academic literature review focusing on the last two years ofpeer-reviewed publications
    Desk research and media narrative anallysis across theeducation sector, including policy research and teacher surveysWe acknowledige that some of the areas discussed in this report areones that overlap with Google-led products and programs. lin order tomaintain a focus on the research and studies presented, we've intentionally excluded them.
    There have been endiless media headlines coveringSilicon Valley parents" decisions to raise their kidswithout tech and send them to tech-free schools,sparking discussions around the role of technologyin education.
    At the same time, childiren are oniline at a youngerage than ewer before - people under 18 account foran estimated one in three lnternmet users gllobally.2 lnthe uS. more than 39% of young peeple get a sociallmedia account by the time they 're 12 years old.3 asdo over 46% of those lin the UK." These conditionshave created a desire to help students devellop ahealthy. responsible relationship with technology -something that often falls under the jurisdiction ofthe education system.


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