last quarter, we reported that 2019 was shaping up to be TheYear of the Patient. This quarter, while total funding has takenits typical post-summer dip, we're pleased to see that the soulof the health revolution – the patient – is still a market priority (thisquarter, $420M was invested into health innovation companies witha focus on patient empowerment). At $10.4B in funding year to date,we're also on par to have the second most-funded year for healthinnovation, ever. Here are our topline takeaways: KEY MARKETS SEE SPIKES INFUNDING In the first three quarters of innovation companies raised$10.4B. As is typical of this time of year,the third quarter saw a modest dip infunding. In fact,in seven of the pastnine years, the third quarter was eitherflat or down from its preceding quarter.But this quarter offered multiple brightspots and exceptions. This quarter, funding in support of population health saw a jump of 200%,the highest of any function we track,bringing in over $720M in Q3 and $1.2Bfor the year. The Women's Health and Access to Care Moonshots continue to enjoy a steady surge of capital for the year - $4.5B YTD for Access to Care and $295M YTD for Women's Health –along with upticks in deal volume.This comes despite a politically charged time for both women's health rights and global debates over government-sponsored healthcare models. The Addiction Moonshot, which saw a funding increase of 223%.Two health moonshots were up on QoQ deal count: Cancer with a 113% increase in volumeand Addiction with a 100% jump. Women's Health continued to lead froma YoY outlook,with funding up by 66%,and 65% more deals than this time last year. Access to Care is historically our most lucrative health moonshot by way of funding and deal count and remained so in Q3, raking in $1.5B across 101deals. FUNDING FOR WOMEN'S ANDCHILDREN'S HEALTH HELPS NARROWINNOVATION GAP Not surprisingly, we continue to see high percentages of early stage deals in the Women's Health and Children's Health Moonshots (71%). This is important evidence of an increase in R&D or product development in two arenas where both have historically been lacking.We're hopeful that this surge in funding will help narrow the health innovation gap for these patient populations. CANCER AND MENTAL HEALTHFUNDING MATURES Even though deal counts for Cancer (34YTD) and Mental Health & Happiness(45 YTD) are less than our broader-defined moonshots like Access to Care (259 YTD),these two had the largest proportion of late-stage deals.This is good news.A concentration of Series D rounds and later indicate that the entrepreneurs fueling these health moonshots are taming thelearning curve. Digital innovations like Calm's meditation app and DNA nexus'genomics research platform are maturing out of development mode and being brought to a global market. 【更多详情,请下载:2019年Q3医疗保健初创企业投资报告】 镝数聚dydata,pdf报告,小数据,可视数据,表格数据
    * 本报告来自网络,如有侵权请联系删除



    来源Startup Health
    关键字医疗保健, 癌症, 健康, 人口


    last quarter, we reported that 2019 was shaping up to be TheYear of the Patient. This quarter, while total funding has takenits typical post-summer dip, we're pleased to see that the soulof the health revolution – the patient – is still a market priority (thisquarter, $420M was invested into health innovation companies witha focus on patient empowerment). At $10.4B in funding year to date,we're also on par to have the second most-funded year for healthinnovation, ever. Here are our topline takeaways:
    In the first three quarters of innovation companies raised$10.4B. As is typical of this time of year,the third quarter saw a modest dip infunding. In fact,in seven of the pastnine years, the third quarter was eitherflat or down from its preceding quarter.But this quarter offered multiple brightspots and exceptions.
    This quarter, funding in support of population health saw a jump of 200%,the highest of any function we track,bringing in over $720M in Q3 and $1.2Bfor the year. The Women's Health and Access to Care Moonshots continue to enjoy a steady surge of capital for the year - $4.5B YTD for Access to Care and $295M YTD for Women's Health –along with upticks in deal volume.This comes despite a politically charged time for both women's health rights and global debates over government-sponsored healthcare models.
    The Addiction Moonshot, which saw a funding increase of 223%.Two health moonshots were up on QoQ deal count:
    Cancer with a 113% increase in volumeand Addiction with a 100% jump.
    Women's Health continued to lead froma YoY outlook,with funding up by 66%,and 65% more deals than this time last year. Access to Care is historically our most lucrative health moonshot by way of funding and deal count and remained so in Q3, raking in $1.5B across 101deals.
    Not surprisingly, we continue to see high percentages of early stage deals in the Women's Health and Children's Health Moonshots (71%). This is important evidence of an increase in R&D or product development in two arenas where both have historically been lacking.We're hopeful that this surge in funding will help narrow the health innovation gap for these patient populations.
    Even though deal counts for Cancer (34YTD) and Mental Health & Happiness(45 YTD) are less than our broader-defined moonshots like Access to Care (259 YTD),these two had the largest proportion of late-stage deals.This is good news.A concentration of Series D rounds and later indicate that the entrepreneurs fueling these health moonshots are taming thelearning curve. Digital innovations like Calm's meditation app and DNA nexus'genomics research platform are maturing out of development mode and being brought to a global market.


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