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This is especially true for emerging economies。 w here mobile technologies currently connect 3.7 billion people and counting。Particularly for people in these economies, mobile technologiesare the great connector, empowering societies, providing tinancial access to previously unbanked communities, and facilitating access to communications and information for those living in rem ote areas。 The mobille industry fuels development -providing the toolsto fight malaria, empower women, document birth registrations, generate new businesses, assist with refugee crises,and respondto natural disasters。 we are on the verge of another critical leap forw ard for mobile services, as countries increasingly shift to the deployment of 5Gtechnologies。5G has the potential to impact societies even more broadly than other mobile technologies, driving innavation andtransforming the digital landscape across dimerent industries andsectors of the society。 We will soon see the mass availability ofphones with faster broadband , cars that communicate with othervehicles and smart transport infrastructure。Add to that intelligentfactories, and innovative tools for remote access to education andmedical care, am ong many other new 5G-powered developm ents。 The benefits of 5G are truly global , with impacts and newcap abilities cutting across industries (eg. energy production,transportation, professional services, mining, healthcare)。They alsocombine multiple use cases (eg。remote object m anipulation, high-speed broadband to the home and om ce, industrial autom ation。next-generation broadband for transport)。How ever, realising thebenetits of 5G netw orks requires the allocation of new spectrum,especially in high-frequency bands above 24 GHz, also known asmmWave。 5G enabled by mmwave spectrum will bring far-reaching benefits to individuals, businesses, and governm ents around the world。The economic impact of mmWave 5Gwill vary between countriesand evolve over time,taking into account national priorities andchallenges as well as the development and deployment of 5Gapplications。Beyond the significant economic impact,the societalbenefits of mmWave 5G are substantial , as the follow ing regionalexamples demonstrate。 The mobile industry has atrack record of using spectrum to spurinnovation and imprave global communities。How ever, accessto a sumcient am ount of spectrum is an essential precursor tothe development of the mobile ecosystem and the realisationof the full societal benetits of mmwWave 5G。As noted by theregional examples highlighted on the previous page, mmwWavespectrum can provide numerous high-capacity, low-latency 5G applications that will fuel economic growth and societal benefit saround the world 。How ever, the full potential of these benetits is dependent on adm inistrations supporting the identification ofnew mmwWave spectrum for mobile services at the 2019 world Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-S)。Without adequate support,the deployment of 5G services may be delayed by up toa decade。 【更多详情,请下载:区域聚焦:5GmmWave的影响报告】