The importance of data to the business world has grown enormously inthe past decade。According to some estimates, we've gone from a globaldatasphere of two zettabytes in 2010 to an estimated 41 zettabytes in 2019,although arguably it's now impossible to even measure the volume andrate at which data is being generated, with no end in sight。 The crcation and use of data has become central to our lives。 Whether it's the algorithmthat selects the most relevant news stories for us when we wake up or the app thatcalculates thc most cfficient way to that crucial mecting, data is everywhcrc, in formingwhat we sce and what wc do。 For Dun & Bradstreet, the importance of data isn't new。 Since our foundation in 1841,we've becn focused on cnabling companics to use data and insights to make morc informeddecisions that in turn help them improvc business performance。But now, data management is somcthing that every business - in every sector - has togct right。 We're at a pivotal moment in the evolution of data。 Since thc rise of digital technology,busincsses havc bcen getting to grips with how to use data - whether it 's better scrvingcustomcrs, finding new prospects, m anaging risk, understanding their supply chain or anycombination of thesc。With so much data on hand, it is important now morc than ever tofind thc uscful mcaning, or we risk becoming ovcrwhelmed with information。 Today, information is everywhere in the busincss world。Evcry day, the Dun &t BradstreetData Cloud updates over 375 million elements relating to business entities around theglobe。New technology such as machinc learning, which allows us to derive informationat incrcasing scalc, to thc lnternet of Things, which produces new types of in formationthat holds much promisc, is making data management even more critical。 In the next decadc, bu sincsses must perfect their data stratcgies to realize thc newopportunitics of the incrcasingly digital w orld, or risk being lcft behind altogether。That's why we have commissioned this rescarch to explorc the cxpcriences of over5o0 businesses in the United Kingdom and United Statcs。 We 've spoken with busincss lcadcrs to understand how their relationship with data hascvolved in the last decadc, the challcnges thcy still cncountcr, and thcir plans to transformby 2030。 This report cxplores the past, present, and future of data to understand the influence ofthis incredible tool throughout the world and cxplorc the opportunities for businesses tomaximizc its value。 【更多详情,请下载:The Past,Present,and Future of Data】 镝数聚dydata,pdf报告,小数据,可视数据,表格数据
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    The Past,Present,and Future of Data


    关键字数据管理, 商业领袖, 在线视频, 互联网


    The importance of data to the business world has grown enormously inthe past decade。According to some estimates, we've gone from a globaldatasphere of two zettabytes in 2010 to an estimated 41 zettabytes in 2019,although arguably it's now impossible to even measure the volume andrate at which data is being generated, with no end in sight。
    The crcation and use of data has become central to our lives。 Whether it's the algorithmthat selects the most relevant news stories for us when we wake up or the app thatcalculates thc most cfficient way to that crucial mecting, data is everywhcrc, in formingwhat we sce and what wc do。
    For Dun & Bradstreet, the importance of data isn't new。 Since our foundation in 1841,we've becn focused on cnabling companics to use data and insights to make morc informeddecisions that in turn help them improvc business performance。But now, data management is somcthing that every business - in every sector - has togct right。
    We're at a pivotal moment in the evolution of data。 Since thc rise of digital technology,busincsses havc bcen getting to grips with how to use data - whether it 's better scrvingcustomcrs, finding new prospects, m anaging risk, understanding their supply chain or anycombination of thesc。With so much data on hand, it is important now morc than ever tofind thc uscful mcaning, or we risk becoming ovcrwhelmed with information。
    Today, information is everywhere in the busincss world。Evcry day, the Dun &t BradstreetData Cloud updates over 375 million elements relating to business entities around theglobe。New technology such as machinc learning, which allows us to derive informationat incrcasing scalc, to thc lnternet of Things, which produces new types of in formationthat holds much promisc, is making data management even more critical。
    In the next decadc, bu sincsses must perfect their data stratcgies to realize thc newopportunitics of the incrcasingly digital w orld, or risk being lcft behind altogether。That's why we have commissioned this rescarch to explorc the cxpcriences of over5o0 businesses in the United Kingdom and United Statcs。
    We 've spoken with busincss lcadcrs to understand how their relationship with data hascvolved in the last decadc, the challcnges thcy still cncountcr, and thcir plans to transformby 2030。
    This report cxplores the past, present, and future of data to understand the influence ofthis incredible tool throughout the world and cxplorc the opportunities for businesses tomaximizc its value。
    【更多详情,请下载:The Past,Present,and Future of Data】


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