根据PPRO和Amadeus最近的旅游支付研究报告,在全球十大经济体中,有7个国家的电子钱包销售额至少占电子商务总销售额的五分之一。然而,全球第三大经济体日本的电子钱包仅占电子商务总量的2%。2019年旅游支付研究报告 The payments process is central to the customer experience in many industries - perhaps more so in travel. The airline industry has an estimated global revenue of $821 billion,l and passenger numbers are expected to double to 8.2 billion within 20 years,? As it grows it faces major changes in both distribution and payments. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) is forecasting a fundamental overhaul as airlines migrate towards "full retailing" platforms. This will require them to sell to a greater range of customers, both geographically and demographically. They must engage with new emerging markets and millennials and Generation Z buyers with very different expectations to previous generations. Many, if not most, will- use online channels. Airlines - and agents - must contend with digital innovation and new entrants into the payments space; an evolving regulatory environment; and changing customer requirements. To face up to these challenges, they must tread a fine line: balancing conflicting demands between cost and convenience, simplicity and security, technology and tradition; gathering the data required for business and regulation, preventing fraud, while also meeting customer demands for a smooth, seamless experience; making sure payments methods move with the times but remain firmly connected with the culture in which travel merchants operate. 【更多详情,请下载:2019年旅游支付研究报告】 镝数聚dydata,pdf报告,小数据,可视数据,表格数据
    * 本报告来自网络,如有侵权请联系删除



    来源PPRO, Amadeus
    关键字电子支付, 旅游, 电子商务




    The payments process is central to the customer experience in many industries - perhaps more so in travel. The airline industry has an estimated global revenue of $821 billion,l and passenger numbers are expected to double to 8.2 billion within 20 years,? As it grows it faces major changes in both distribution and payments.
    The International Air Transport Association (IATA) is forecasting a fundamental overhaul as airlines migrate towards "full retailing" platforms. This will require them to sell to a greater range of customers, both geographically and demographically. They must engage with new emerging markets and millennials and Generation Z buyers with very different expectations to previous generations. Many, if not most, will- use online channels.
    Airlines - and agents - must contend with digital innovation and new entrants into the payments space; an evolving regulatory environment; and changing customer requirements. To face up to these challenges, they must tread a fine line: balancing conflicting demands between cost and convenience, simplicity and security, technology and tradition; gathering the data required for business and regulation, preventing fraud, while also meeting customer demands for a smooth, seamless experience; making sure payments methods move with the times but remain firmly connected with the culture in which travel merchants operate.


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