从英国成年人口在未来十年的演变来看,年轻群体的购物习惯将变得更具主导性。Retail Economics进行的研究显示,62%的Z世代至少每两周在网上购物一次,平均每个月在网上购物3次左右,而65岁以上只有29%的人这么做。千禧一代目前在网上支出的比例是最高的(22.1%),平均每笔网上交易支出42.32英镑,每月在网上花费110.45英镑。2019年网络零售报告 It's no exaggeration to say that the retail industry is undergoing a period of unprecedented change. Despite concurrent waves of political and economic upheaval in our midst, our work with retailers suggest thisis a mere distraction from the seismic structural shifts reshaping the retaillandscape. The obliteration of analogue consumerism over the previous decade has been fuelled by the rapid and ongoing transition towards online, the growing importance of experiences and heightened consumer expectations. Cumulatively, these powerful factors have unveiled a very disruptive digital age. Online retail is being driven on apace due to a heady combination of factors; early adopters in the retail market who can flex and adapt their business models quickly will stand the best chances of success. However, as retailers leverage new technologies to support rising demand for a seamless online consumer experience from an increasing number of digital natives, new risks also emerge. Consumers are increasingly conscious of the need to protect personal data and their privacy in order to reduce the risk of fraud, identity theft and misuse of their data. Real damage can be done to a retailer's brand and reputation with any kind of data breach and the loss of trust that follows can have far reaching consequences for any business and its bottom line. 【更多详情,请下载:2019年网络零售报告】 镝数聚dydata,pdf报告,小数据,可视数据,表格数据
    * 本报告来自网络,如有侵权请联系删除



    关键字retail, online, 进出口贸易


    从英国成年人口在未来十年的演变来看,年轻群体的购物习惯将变得更具主导性。Retail Economics进行的研究显示,62%的Z世代至少每两周在网上购物一次,平均每个月在网上购物3次左右,而65岁以上只有29%的人这么做。千禧一代目前在网上支出的比例是最高的(22.1%),平均每笔网上交易支出42.32英镑,每月在网上花费110.45英镑。


    It's no exaggeration to say that the retail industry is undergoing a period of unprecedented change. Despite concurrent waves of political and economic upheaval in our midst, our work with retailers suggest thisis a mere distraction from the seismic structural shifts reshaping the retaillandscape.
    The obliteration of analogue consumerism over the previous decade has been fuelled by the rapid and ongoing transition towards online, the growing importance of experiences and heightened consumer expectations. Cumulatively, these powerful factors have unveiled a very disruptive digital age.
    Online retail is being driven on apace due to a heady combination of factors; early adopters in the retail market who can flex and adapt their business models quickly will stand the best chances of success. However, as retailers leverage new technologies to support rising demand for a seamless online consumer experience from an increasing number of digital natives, new risks also emerge.
    Consumers are increasingly conscious of the need to protect personal data and their privacy in order to reduce the risk of fraud, identity theft and misuse of their data. Real damage can be done to a retailer's brand and reputation with any kind of data breach and the loss of trust that follows can have far reaching consequences for any business and its bottom line.


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