一年前,美国总统特朗普在结束“国事访问+”(state-plus)后从北京回国,中国希望他的反华竞选言论就此能平息下来。12个月后,中国和美国陷入了一场悬而未决的贸易战,而特朗普政府在对华政策上,已用“战略竞争”取代了“战略协作”。2019中美关系展望 As we enter 2019, I would first like to thank former AmCham Shanghai Presi- dent Kenneth Jarrett for his significant contributions to the Chamber and its members over the past five years. Un- der Ken's leadership, AmCham Shang- hai expanded deeper into the Yangtze River Delta, including the cities of Su- zhou and Nanjing, diversified its mem- bership. improved its finances, and played a critical role as the “Voice of American Business” in China. He also 1 successfully stewarded the celebra- tions of AmCham Shanghai's 10Qth Anni- versary. But it was in the last two years. as trade frictions between the U.S. and China increased. that Ken's value as president became increasingly evident. As one of the most well- respected China hands, Ken provided unfailing counsel to numerous American compa- nies and committed himself to making members' voices heard by both Chinese and American policymakers, Our advo- cacy efforts have benefited a great deal from Ken's experience and insight. Following in Ken's esteemed foot- steps is Ker Gibbs. a long-standing Chamber member who has also served as the Chamber's chairman. Ker is also a long-time student of China and has held management roles at Apple, HSBC and KornFerry,amongothers.His broad commercial experience coupled with his extensive China background made him uniquely qualified for the position of president. 【更多详情,请下载:2019中美关系展望】 镝数聚dydata,pdf报告,小数据,可视数据,表格数据
    * 本报告来自网络,如有侵权请联系删除



    关键字中美关系, 战略竞争, 贸易战




    As we enter 2019, I would first like to thank former AmCham Shanghai Presi- dent Kenneth Jarrett for his significant contributions to the Chamber and its members over the past five years. Un- der Ken's leadership, AmCham Shang- hai expanded deeper into the Yangtze River Delta, including the cities of Su- zhou and Nanjing, diversified its mem- bership. improved its finances, and played a critical role as the “Voice of American Business” in China. He also 1 successfully stewarded the celebra- tions of AmCham Shanghai's 10Qth Anni- versary. But it was in the last two years. as trade frictions between the U.S. and China increased. that Ken's value as president became increasingly evident. As one of the most well- respected China hands, Ken provided unfailing counsel to numerous American compa- nies and committed himself to making members' voices heard by both Chinese and American policymakers, Our advo- cacy efforts have benefited a great deal from Ken's experience and insight. 
    Following in Ken's esteemed foot- steps is Ker Gibbs. a long-standing Chamber member who has also served as the Chamber's chairman. Ker is also a long-time student of China and has held management roles at Apple, HSBC and KornFerry,amongothers.His broad commercial experience coupled with his extensive China background made him uniquely qualified for the position of president.


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