2020中国首次有5家企业上榜,为该榜单发布15年来中国企业上榜最多的一次。其中包括华为(第6名)、阿里巴巴(第7名)、腾讯(第14名)、小米(第24名)和京东(第31名),而从2017年启动技术能力开放的京东也是首次成功入围榜单。根据最新名单,华为从2019年的第48位,跻身到2020年前十大最具创新公司。榜单前五分别为苹果、Alphabet、亚马逊、微软、三星。BCG的最新排名以对2,500名全球创新高管的问卷调查为基础,其中63%为高管,37%为高级副总裁或副总裁,综合考虑公司在:全球知名度、同行评价、行业创新和价值增长等四个维度上的表现。2020年全球最具创新力企业50强 IN INNOVATION- AS IN LIFE- -DRIVE, size, and skill are a powerful combination. Drive to set an ambitious agenda and fund promis- ing opportunities. Size to transform these opportunities into real sources of new reve- nue. And the skill, as embodied in a well- tuned innovation system, to be able to do it over and over again. And the world's most innovative companies have been getting bigger. The revenue of a typical "small" company on BCG's 2020 list of the 50 most innovative companies is $30 bil- lion- -up more than 170% from $11 billion (in constant dollars) in our first survey in 2005. But drive and size mean little if your innova- tion system can't build on them for serial suc- cess. And here our research offers a more SO- bering assessment. Serial innovation is hard. Of the 162 companies that have been on our top 50 list over the past 14 years, nearly 30% appeared just once- and 57% appeared three times or fewer. Only 8 companies have made the list every year: Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, HP, IBM, Microsoft, Samsung, and Toyota. When we began the research for this 14th edition of BCG's Most Innovative Companies report, COVID-19 had not yet emerged. 【更多详情,请下载:2020年全球最具创新力企业50强】 镝数聚dydata,pdf报告,小数据,可视数据,表格数据
    * 本报告来自网络,如有侵权请联系删除



    关键字创新力企业, 企业50强, 行业创新




    IN INNOVATION- AS IN LIFE- -DRIVE, size, and skill are a powerful combination. Drive to set an ambitious agenda and fund promis- ing opportunities. Size to transform these opportunities into real sources of new reve- nue. And the skill, as embodied in a well- tuned innovation system, to be able to do it over and over again.
    And the world's most innovative companies have been getting bigger. The revenue of a typical "small" company on BCG's 2020 list of the 50 most innovative companies is $30 bil- lion- -up more than 170% from $11 billion (in constant dollars) in our first survey in 2005.
    But drive and size mean little if your innova- tion system can't build on them for serial suc- cess. And here our research offers a more SO- bering assessment. Serial innovation is hard. Of the 162 companies that have been on our top 50 list over the past 14 years, nearly 30% appeared just once- and 57% appeared three times or fewer. Only 8 companies have made the list every year: Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, HP, IBM, Microsoft, Samsung, and Toyota.
    When we began the research for this 14th edition of BCG's Most Innovative Companies report, COVID-19 had not yet emerged.


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