正如本报告所指出的,《人道主义行动中的青年人契约》的头18个月证明,在给予青年人能见度、尊严和希望方面取得了重大进展 在危机或流离失所之后陷入绝望的境地。 这份报告只是实地开展的鼓舞人心工作的样本。 因为这就是契约生活的地方——而不是在其中 文字或纸上,但它对年轻生活的影响。青年人道主义契约行动:点燃希望 The Compact for Young People in Humanitarian Action was launched at the World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul in May 2016. By September of the following year, the Compact celebrated the 50th signatory of a committed group that comprises international and local non-governmental organizations (NGOs), youth networks and the private sector, as well as United Nations bodies and governments themselves. The enthusiasm with which the Compact has been embraced - and the number of partners who quickly committed to its principles - suggest it is the right idea for the right time. If there is anything as powerful as an idea whose time has come, it is the collective energy and dynamism of the world's largest- ever generation of young people. This youth peak is coming of age at a time of increasing - and increasingly destructive - natural and human-made disasters. We cannot see the energy of young people wasted on living with and dealing with crisis. Young people need all our support and investment to realize their own enormous potential. Since Istanbul, we have seen increasing traction for the view that the humanitarian system needs to work not only for, but closely with young people. 【更多详情,请下载:青年人道主义契约行动:点燃希望】 镝数聚dydata,pdf报告,小数据,可视数据,表格数据
    * 本报告来自网络,如有侵权请联系删除



    来源中国红十字会与红新月会国际联合会, 联合国人口活动基金会
    关键字青年人, 人道主义, 女孩教育, 两性平等, 儿童权利


    正如本报告所指出的,《人道主义行动中的青年人契约》的头18个月证明,在给予青年人能见度、尊严和希望方面取得了重大进展  在危机或流离失所之后陷入绝望的境地。 这份报告只是实地开展的鼓舞人心工作的样本。 因为这就是契约生活的地方——而不是在其中  文字或纸上,但它对年轻生活的影响。


    The Compact for Young People in Humanitarian Action was launched at the World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul in May 2016. By September of the following year, the Compact celebrated the 50th signatory of a committed group that comprises international and local non-governmental organizations (NGOs), youth networks and the private sector, as well as United Nations bodies and governments themselves.
    The enthusiasm with which the Compact has been embraced - and the number of partners who quickly committed to its principles - suggest it is the right idea for the right time.
    If there is anything as powerful as an idea whose time has come, it is the collective energy and dynamism of the world's largest- ever generation of young people.
    This youth peak is coming of age at a time of increasing - and increasingly destructive - natural and human-made disasters. We cannot see the energy of young people wasted on living with and dealing with crisis. Young people need all our support and investment to realize their own enormous potential. Since Istanbul, we have seen increasing traction for the view that the humanitarian system needs to work not only for, but closely with young people.


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